Uncategorized | The Perfect Backdrop https://theperfectbackdrop.com Sat, 28 Dec 2019 13:09:28 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://theperfectbackdrop.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/cropped-MelanieFalvey_Logo_gold_6-e1469297390223-32x32.jpg Uncategorized | The Perfect Backdrop https://theperfectbackdrop.com 32 32 How to make better videos https://theperfectbackdrop.com/how-to-make-better-videos/ https://theperfectbackdrop.com/how-to-make-better-videos/#comments Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:08:53 +0000 http://theperfectbackdrop.com/?p=7466     Download a full .pdf explaining everything a backdrop can do for your videos.   So you have decided to use Video in your business.   Congrats! It is a smart decision as by 2020, Cisco has estimated that video content will make 80-90% of all content online, this is huge and in order […]

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Download a full .pdf explaining everything a backdrop can do for your videos.


So you have decided to use Video in your business.


Congrats! It is a smart decision as by 2020, Cisco has estimated that video content will make 80-90% of all content online, this is huge and in order to be successful, you definitely need to embrace it as soon as possible.

If you are already using Video, you need to make sure you are doing it right or else, it could be doing nothing for you, or what´s even worse, it could be harming your brand and message *more on this below.





Here is what usually happens right after you decide to create Videos for your business:



1.- What type of videos should I create?



You start thinking about what type of content you would like to create , if you want a tip, don´t create the type of content you think your audience will like but ask them, do some research into what they are asking, what they need, what their struggles are…

This is a much more effective approach to content creation and will save you months, if not more of creating content for crickets…

Find a good balance of educational/inspiring videos as well as some behind the scenes (your viewers will love those!), entertaining content…it really comes down to what your audience wants to watch, so when you make it a habit to ask them, they will be an infinite source of ideas!


The best help on this topic (on how to structure and be consistent) I have found in all my years as an online entrepreneur has been this class by Desislava Dobreva   ,  a 3-hour masterclass that will help you destroy any confusion and overwhelm you have about positioning your business online with a powerful content strategy. After this, you’ll be able to create your entire social media strategy from scratch and become a content creation machine. I tell you, it is gold!

Now, if you would like to plan all your content like a PRO and even create each type of video and practice them before you go live, check out my VIDEOS that SELL Programme.



2.- What platform/s should I use?



Now, after you decide your Content plan, you need to start thinking on what platforms you will be using. Not every platform works the same way, and they each have their peculiarities when it comes to backdrops (more on that later) but to make it easy for you to decide, ask yourself this question:


Where is my Ideal client?


That´s it, you now have an answer to where you should be streaming from. Start small, on one or two platforms at the most. It takes time to get the grasp of how each platform works.


If you are going to be using Written Visuals in your videos (words, taglines, etc), you need to know the characteristics of each platform. I offer a free cheat sheet for people who join my facebook group (apart from other awesome trainings, and free content, oh, and a weekly giveaway). If you want to join and get my free cheat sheet, just click on the image below.


Click on image to join.


3.- How do I structure my videos?

Ok, so this, takes time to master, but the best script and outline, without doubt  I have found and I use as so do all my #peri10k peeps (It is a community of change makers and thought leaders) is this one by Katya Varbanova. At first, simply look at it while you are livestreaming, the more you use it , the more familiar you will become with the structure and it will soon be second nature. It really helped me with managing my nerves and making me feel more confident on camera. It is a way of seeming more professional, like you know what you are doing, lol! It also helps when you get nervous, and I know a thing or two about that…camera-shy was my second name, petrified was my first name!

In my new programme, you will be able to create your own script, completely adapted to your business and strategy and, yes, you guessed, you will be able to Practice before using it live. Learn more here.




4.- What equipment do I need?


Let´s be honest, when you are first starting out you have plenty enough equipment with your phone , a backdrop* , an affordable light and tripod (UK link) affordable light and tripod  (US link) and in some cases a mic . With this same equipment I recommend to all my clients, you can easily make videos until you are making big sales.

Remember you are trying to provide the best viewer experience, so you should eventually level up your video gear, although don´t let that stop you, you need to start doing video today, your can always up-level bit by bit.

I am going to break down this section and tell you exactly what you need when:


1. Starting out and until you are making money:


You just need a smartphone and a video backdrop*.

Optional: a tripod will make things easier but you can also use a stack of books, some sturdy box or candle…you should see how I did my first videos! Some of them are still up on my Facebook page , some people may argue I should take them down,(some are even blurry…) but you what, I keep them there as a reminder of how far I have come since I started livestreaming (but that is a whole other story!).


About the *backdrop:

As you saw in the video at the top of this page,


a backdrop is what your viewers can see behind you when you are on screen.





BUT it is NOT (or it should not be) that generic fabric screen some people are using (there is nothing wrong with the format, the power of a backdrop is in the Visuals you are using, not in the format). If you want to know why those screens are harming your brand, watch this super short video. 

or read this article.


When you are on camera, there is always something behind you, it is merely a physical fact, so why not make it work in your favour instead of against you? 


A backdrop is not only your physical support when you are doing videos , it acts as an emotional support too.




Your backdrop is your Visual Communication, it is the first impression your viewers will have of you. And you know what? It is the best selling machine for your business.


In a saturated feed, you need to make it easy for people to decide they want to “Stop & Watch” you.


Your Video Backdrop has the power (when designed right) to:


  • Amplify your message
  • Make your videos recognisable in a saturated feed.
  • Brand all your videos.
  • Tell your story.
  • Show your expertise.
  • Build the trust factor fast.
  • Show your clients what results you ca get for them.
  • Attract your Ideal client easily.
  • Communicate your message visually.
  • Market your offers subtly (using seller psychology).
  • Use effective CTAs in your videos that will help you get subscribers, sales or whatever outcome you are aiming at.

Download my Free Checklist to know what key 3 elements you need to have in place.

Download to get the full Checklist.


Can you see how POWERFUL it is?

The terrible thing is, hardly anyone is using their backdrop to their full potential, moreover, most people are using the wrong backdrop (because they are not even aware they have one) or using the wrong solution, such as a generic fabric screen that is doing nothing to make their videos recognisable and unique.


Using the wrong backdrop is actually harming your branding, your message and your credibility.


It is confusing your viewers because what you say (your message) and what they see (your backdrop) doesn´t match.


A fully Optimised backdrop will have every key element in place, depending on your needs, your goals, your aspiration and your current surroundings.


I do not believe in invasive solutions such as big poles and screens unless you have a video studio, a dedicated space you can use solely for video creation. If that is not your situation, which, most likely isn´t, you need to make the living/video/working combo work for you and for the inhabitants of your home. I like creating the Perfect Backdrop for each client, the one that will act as a marketing, branding and communication tool but that will also enhance your surroundings and not be an obstacle in your space.


If you want to know whether you are using the right backdrop for your videos, check this article out.


If you are ready to start rocking your videos, let´s chat. Book an Initial Consultation with me in which I will see what the best solution would be for your needs and situation.




1. You are already making money in our business and/or creating Courses or Video ads:

I do recommend you invest in all or some of these if you are creating Courses or Video ads , or if you are a regular live streamer; at this stage you really should be delivering high quality videos, viewers will expect it.

I am listing a number of items I use myself and I recommend my clients, there are several options, at different price points.


  • Although you can still use a smartphone (the higher range in Apple or Samsung, for instance, not quoting others as I have no experience with them), below you will find some cameras that are great for creating courses and webinars.


  • Video Backdrop: this is a MUST. No video should be done without a proper, optimised backdrop as you have learnt in the point above. However, you might have started with a more simple video backdrop (Backdrop Quick-Fix) and now you are ready for the full version.
  • I have created a System, that turns your backdrop into your best selling tool. I am an award winning designer and for years, I have designed commercial retail spaces and events, making millions for my clients, I now apply the same commercial design and psychology principles to your VIDEOS , so that you can easily grow your business to 6-figures by using video.


  • A tripod, people get very nervous when a video is shaky, you don´t want that. I am sharing my two favourites at two different price points. You can start with the more affordable option and upgrade later on. It also depends on your needs, will you just use it from a desk? Or will you be taking it with you, even outdoors? In this case, I do recommend the Gorilla tripod as it is incredibly versatile, you can place it on the most extreme surfaces and it will remain steadily gripped.



  • One of the main reasons not to follow someone´s videos is  bad SOUND. It is a top reason also for your course to be rejected on Udemy or other teaching platforms.  I highly recommend the Rode Smart Lav. This is definitely a sound investment (pun intended).





  • Next piece of equipment would be lighting. If you need help finding the best spot for your video backdrops and making the most of natural lighting, book an Initial Consultation with me, sometimes you don´t even need any other type of lighting or other times, you will benefit more from other options. It all depends on the style of video you are going to shoot, your Ideal audience, your brand style…I can give you honest feedback on what features you should invest in and which you don´t need. However, if you already know that you do require lighting equipment, here are my go to recommendations; lightboxes only if you have a space you can use as a video set or studio, if not, this handy and super affordable option is my go to favourite to use with a mobile phone.


This is a similar option:



  • If you are planning on creating high quality videos, courses or You Tube videos, you will eventually need to invest in a camera that works well both for video and photos.I love my Canon! They are easy to use (they even come with a free course) and photos and video are really professional looking. Of course, you can later go really professional with other cameras and lenses but wait until you start making money from your videos. On my list, the Canon EOS C100  below.
  • If you are looking for an affordable option to use with your computer, this webcam does the trick at a reasonable price.





5.- You have it all sorted…but who is going to watch? How to find your audience.


The best way to grow an audience today is definitely via video, no question about that.

Luckily building a tribe just needs commitment, consistency and a proven system ……. I´ve got you covered!

The best training ever is ACE  , it gives you all the steps you need to take to go from 0 viewers to 1000 easily. After that, numbers (apparently) start piling up really fast! Ask me again in a couple of months, combining my different platforms I am way over that first thousand (remember I started livestreaming recently) but on the same platform, I am still not there). ACE has given me the step-by-step instructions (easy to implement, by the way), so it is just a question of being consistent.

And, once more, your Backdrop is the easiest and fastest way of attracting your Ideal tribe. If you want to know the exact visulas you should be using and where they need to be placed, check this out, my new programme covers every single element you need to have in place so that your videos SELL.


I really do hope this post will help you get started or uplevel your video game.

You simply cannot afford to wait any longer to hit that Go live button and start getting clients!

Let me know how else I can help you.



A video backdrop and a smartphone is all you need to share your message and start getting clients from video!

But if you really want to do it fast and easily, join the VIDEOS that SELL Programme, right now, you can get in at a fraction of the price, while we run our BETA. In September, price will double.




The post How to make better videos first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>
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What is holding you back from breaking that income level? https://theperfectbackdrop.com/holding-back-breaking-income-level/ Wed, 14 Mar 2018 19:46:09 +0000 http://theperfectbackdrop.com/?p=7462   What is holding you back from breaking that income level?   Why can´t you seem to be able to grow past a certain figure?   Have you been stuck in the 5-figure level for too long and no matter what you do, you still can´t open the next door?   Have you lost motivation? […]

The post What is holding you back from breaking that income level? first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>

What is holding you back from breaking that income level?


Why can´t you seem to be able to grow past a certain figure?


Have you been stuck in the 5-figure level for too long and no matter what you do, you still can´t open the next door?


Have you lost motivation?


Do you need to feel the excitement of a challenge you know you can conquer?


An Optimised Workspace ensures you can be in the RIGHT MOOD at the RIGHT TIME so that every minute spent on your business is productive and enjoyable and therefore you can work smarter and have more time for the things that matter to you.


So, let me ask you this:



The reason why you do what you do is very likely to have more freedom (in every sense); to be able to spend time with your loved ones and to enjoy life more.


When you are working from the wrong workspace, your productivity is negatively impacted, your focus is lost often, you feel stuck and you unable to find answers and solutions to your problems and your motivation is low most of the time.

 What is holding you back?


You know how to run a business, you have taken yours to the 5-6 figure level, you have systems in place but somehow, you cannot break that glass ceiling, you keep bumping into the same income level…you are starting to feel unmotivated because there are no more challenges for you to grow…


Your surroundings have a direct impact on your performance. You cannot possibly evolve if your surroundings are not upgraded to match your next level.



You cannot possibly evolve if your surroundings are not upgraded to match your next level.



Your success depends hugely on how you feel and perform in your workspace.


Your focus, motivation and productivity require a very specific set of triggers in your workspace.

What´s more, your needs have outgrown, you cannot stay stuck in the same old environment and expect new performance in your work.


Your next level in business is only an Optimised Workspace away.


Let me create an Optimised Workspace for YOU, taking your needs, goals, vision and starting point into account.

I created my Optimising system for high achievers like you. Who, after some great success you seem unable to get to the next level.


By using my unique system that combines design, psychology, motivation, emotional intelligence and commercial psychology, your workspace will become the engine your business needs to be propelled to a higher level.


To infinity and beyond!


Book your Initial Consultation today.


No more feeling stuck, you are ready for bigger goals, higher earning months and a much more fulfilling life and business.

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Why you are not attracting high-end clients https://theperfectbackdrop.com/not-attracting-high-end-clients/ Tue, 20 Feb 2018 02:34:04 +0000 http://theperfectbackdrop.com/?p=7418 Are trying to reach high-end clients but feel like there is something not attracting them?   Are you ready for the next level in your business?   Do you feel called to make a bigger impact?   Do you feel it is time for you to go big?   Aim higher?   What your viewers […]

The post Why you are not attracting high-end clients first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>

Are trying to reach high-end clients but feel like there is something not attracting them?


Are you ready for the next level in your business?


Do you feel called to make a bigger impact?


Do you feel it is time for you to go big?


Aim higher?


What your viewers see in your videos is what they think you can do for them.

What results are you showing your viewers you can get them?

What success are you showing in your videos?

What high-end surroundings can they see?


You see, here is the hard truth…
If they cannot see it, they cannot believe it.


Stop preaching in the desert.


If you want to attract high-end clients, you need to prove to them you are high-end too.



Let me tell you one thing:
Selling high-end services or products requires a different strategy, careful staging and exquisite delivery…
Your videos need to show that you are one of them, that you understand their struggles and you can take them to the results they long to achieve.
I know this well because I have been fortunate to grow up in that environment (not bragging, just making a statement), not that I haven´t had my fair share of struggles, because I can assure you I have had maybe more than many people…but that is a different story. What I am trying to tell you is I know how they think, what they think, how they breathe and what they want. And I know too, you cannot enter that realm if they suspect you are an outsider.


They need to “see” that you are up to their standards of quality and style.


They need to believe that you “get them”.


Whatever idea of quality they get form your videos is the idea of quality they will assume your services to have. It is mere association of ideas.


Give them quality, style and impeccable design and you will be trusted. You will become an insider.

Fair or unfair, it is what it is.
And let´s face it, if your message is about how you can take them from A to B, from Mess to Success…you need to show them that you have been able to go from mess to success yourself, don´t you think? If you are still showing A in your videos, they won´t believe you can take them to B.


But, how can you do this?
Well, the first contact they have with your brand is Visual. Visual contact is powerful when done right but ever so harmful to your brand when done wrong.


Video the fastest and the best way to skyrocket your business.
You need to show the right, high-end visuals that they are expecting to see.
You can do that easily by showing that your surroundings are also at that high-end level.


They will only trust you if you can demonstrate that your level of success will take them to the next level or will solve their problems.


Your space says more about your business than you think. It actually says it (almost) all on video, at least.


Let them see you are as successful as you say you are: Show them!


Your video backdrop needs to live and breathe your message and show the results you can get your clients.


And no, this is not about faking it till you make it, rather the opposite, upgrade your surroundings so that they match your level of success.


You have reached a certain status in your business, now it is time to upgrade your surroundings so that they are a perfect fit.


Do not cheapen your brand by having the wrong video backdrop and surroundings.


Let´s chat, we will speak about your needs, your vision and about the best solution to get you those high-end clients you so deserve. Fill in the form below or book your call here.

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]

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The Power Word Experience© Special Edition Upgrade https://theperfectbackdrop.com/power-word-experience-gift-edition-upgrade/ Tue, 09 Jan 2018 15:59:37 +0000 http://theperfectbackdrop.com/?p=7370 How to use your Power Word Click here to UPGRADE your Experience by getting a personalised graphic. You will get  up to 3 samples to choose from and 1 modification on the chosen sample if needed. Images will be sent in .png and .jpg formats at 2000 x 2000 res.

The post The Power Word Experience© Special Edition Upgrade first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>
How to use your Power Word

Click here to UPGRADE your Experience by getting a personalised graphic.

  • You will get  up to 3 samples to choose from and 1 modification on the chosen sample if needed. Images will be sent in .png and .jpg formats at 2000 x 2000 res.
The post The Power Word Experience© Special Edition Upgrade first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>
Are you shy on video? https://theperfectbackdrop.com/are-you-shy-on-video/ Sat, 09 Sep 2017 11:43:46 +0000 http://theperfectbackdrop.com/?p=7118 I just did my second Periscope broadcast…and I made the silliest mistake with…MY BACKDROP! To see if you can spot my silly mistake, watch this short video below (I also share tips on motivating yourself, by the way): Watch this 10 minute video. Did you spot it? Comment below and let me know. I know, […]

The post Are you shy on video? first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>

I just did my second Periscope broadcast…and I made the silliest mistake with…MY BACKDROP!

To see if you can spot my silly mistake, watch this short video below (I also share tips on motivating yourself, by the way):

Watch this 10 minute video.

Did you spot it? Comment below and let me know. I know, right? I should know better, I teach this stuff! (insert red faced emoji here!)

Yes, me, “The Backdrop Stylist”…and I must admit, the perfectionist in me did have quick thought of deleting the broadcast but I immediately thought again and decided not to, why?

Because it has been such a stretch, such an effort to actually be able to jump in a #shareathon (to know what that is, go here peri10k) that I want to keep every scope as a reminder of the process and of my evolution.

Because every facebook live and every scope is a reminder of where I started from and where I want to get.

For those of you who are not shy, this may not resonate at all, but anyone struggling with getting more visibility, anyone who finds video out of their comfort zone will definitely recognise these symptoms: nerves, cold sweat, stumbling on words, mind going blank…all these things happen before and during a broadcast.

You hit that Go live button and all you can think of is of running away and never coming back!

I know, if it is that awful, why do you keep trying? You need to keep reading to find out…

My mission has always been to make people happier by creating beautiful surroundings where they can feel inspired, relaxed and happy. I want to Inspire people to be aware of their environment. In 2015 my Power Word © was precisely Inspire.

Your surroundings affect your life and work.



Through my years designing and styling homes and workspaces, I know for a fact that you can create any mood by styling your space a certain way.

You can improve your concentration, your motivation, your productivity, focus and well-being. Isn´t that a good enough reason(s) to leave my shyness behind and try this video thing?

If your mission has nothing to do with reaching and impacting more people, and your service isn´t mostly visual , you probably don´t need video. You might find writing to be your preferred way of communicating or anything else that doesn´t involve video. However, in my case, creating beautiful workspaces and especially video backdrops (!) does require me to show what I preach.

I did my first You Tube video back in November 2015. It was a tutorial on how to create a centrepiece. I knew in my mind exactly what I wanted to create when I first started my School of Style as part of The Perfect Backdrop — I wanted to inspire as many people as possible to create beauty around themselves in order to feel happier.

That video was actually not that bad, except for the fact that I started in daylight and it was getting dark by the time I finished. It was way too long, I went into a lot of detail and I had to cut it into three parts.

But the nerves and fear I experienced were so awful, I just wasn´t able to do another video till December 2016! That was over a year after.

That meant that my plan to impact and reach as many people as possible was halted for a whole year. I did write and do other things and I really enjoyed my offline workshops and projects but the reason behind The Perfect Backdrop was to help people worldwide, not just locally. My fear had put a stop to that worldwide reach and impact…till I realised something.

The fact that

My mission is bigger than my shyness.
Click To Tweet

By keeping my expertise off camera , I was not allowing people to learn how they could improve their surroundings, I was keeping the power of improving their lives and businesses to myself.

So, every time I think of doing a video, I remember my mission. It is not a magic pill but it does give me the push I need to try again. And if I feel like postponing it, I think of the people I might not be helping through not doing it.

See? This is why jumping on the #Shareathon meant so much for me, it meant if I can go live in front of x people, sharing a specific time slot with amazing speakers, having to introduce them and interact with viewers while delivering valuable information…well, I can do it all on video.

Even if it were just one person that I inspired, it would be worth doing.

Now, to anyone struggling on camera, I am still far from being a natural on screen but I can assure you, you can do this. If I can, anyone can.

As I mentioned before, for those of you who have no mental blocks stopping you and freezing you when you go live, this article will mean nothing but if you have ever felt the fear of doing a video, if you are still panicking when you hit that Go live button, the advice I would give you is:

The more you try, the less fear you feel. The less fear, the better you communicate. The better you communicate, the more people you inspire.


I have not reached the point yet where I can feel totally happy with my videos, I still stumble upon my words at times but the evolution has been amazing (in the way I feel at least).

So, I won´t say it is easy, you will feel the fear, but it diminishes bit by bit and you know what? Two weeks ago I noticed it was the first time I was actually enjoying a broadcast! It felt so different. I though, ok so this is the excitement people feel when they go live! There had to be a benefit (apart from exposure and visibility) or people wouldn´t be doing it.I could describe it as “good nerves”, they felt tickly but nice.

Since that day, since that one broadcast in which, in spite of the nerves, I had fun, I know for sure that someday soon I will look forward to going live. I might even have a blast!

My recommendation is find yourself a support group where you can start doing videos bit by bit, shorter ones at the beginning until you start feeling comfortable. A safe environment where you can feel protected, supported and encouraged. On Periscope you can choose your audience, set it to only you and test a few times to become more used to the platform and to get more at ease.

Then, make a commitment (I find that making it public helps with pulling through) of going live or creating a pre-recorded video at least once a week.

You will find that the more you do, the less nervous you will get . And then suddenly, one day, you will realise that you are enjoying yourself-I promise!

If you would like to practice in a safe environment, you are very welcome to use my group as a training platform. I understand what you are going through and I will be able to help and support you.

Another thing that will make you feel more confident in your videos is having a Perfect Backdrop, it provides a supportive environment, it gives you plenty of conversation starters, it makes you look more trustworthy ad professional (among other benefits), so if you would like The Perfect Backdrop for your videos, get in touch and we will chat.

I cannot begin to tell you the difference it makes in your confidence!

The reason behind The Perfect Backdrop is to help you shine in your videos, to make you show up confidently and for people to trust you. And it works, this is not one fancy marketing tactic, it really and truly works.

Let me help you become more confident on video, let´s chat.

The post Are you shy on video? first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>