I am about to share with you the ONLY 5 STEPS you need to effectively grow your business to 6 figures by using VIDEO.
If you want to go on running around in circles, please DO NOT read this.
DO NOT read this if you are ok following the masses and not standing out.
Read this only if you are ready to see results by implementing what you are about to learn.
Read this only if you are ready to STAND OUT and not ever think about the competition again.
Because here is the thing, when you do things above average, there is NO competition.
Get clear on wanting to use video and grow a strong Mindset that will support your Video Strategy in the long run.
This may sound weird but it is the #1 reason why so many video strategies fail. If you don´t take the time to set strong foundations, the whole plan will collapse. If you don´t take the time to create a habit of doing video, sooner or later, you will feel the overwhelm of creating content or being visible, the fear of judgement and you will need time away from livestreaming.
You can teach your brain to be ok with video. I am speaking from experience! Nobody was more petrified that I was a few months ago, ok? But if you follow these steps, you WILL be able to rock your videos, grow your business and have a hell of a time while doing it.
85% of the US internet audience watches videos online
Let´s get one thing clear, it is not enough to KNOW that you need to do video for your business to grow, you also need to develop a strong mindset that will allow you to be ok with:
-becoming visible
-being judged
-being consistent (if not, any strategy will fail)
-having to do videos, even when you are tired or don´t feel like doing them
-staying strong and balanced when the overwhelm of being visible and vulnerable hits home, and believe me, this will happen even to the most outgoing personalities
But I see too many people trying to step out of their comfort zone the wrong way.
If you take the approach of the “shock therapy”, the all or nothing, you are setting up to fail.
Building a Video Mindset (or visibility mindset) is exactly the same as building a muscle and creating a habit.
Here is how to do it:
Make your brain get used to getting out of its comfort zone every single day, by taking smaller actions. Build up the courage step by step, so that your brain gets used to the new connections it is starting to build.
By consistent repetition and progressive build up, you will be creating a long-term habit.
It is then fundamental that you reward yourself for every goal accomplished. This is how to do it:
So, your big GOAL is to build strong foundations for your Video strategy to work.
Break up that goal into smaller ones, why?
Because they will seem less scary and more achievable, this increases DOPAMINE, a neurotransmitter that helps with goal achievement and motivation.
By feeding the brain higher levels of dopamine, it will remain motivated. YES!
Plan for a daily smaller goal to be achieved and reward yourself upon completion. Rewards can be anything that make you happy: a walk with the dog, watching your favourite series, having a glass of wine, checking out updates from your favourite influencers on Instagram… It is very important that the reward is immediate, not delayed, for maximum effect.
I teach my students how to naturally enhance Dopamine and other neurotransmitters in my programme VIDEOS that SELL, once you know how to use these neuro chemicals effectively, your videos will never be the same…
Apply this system and you will be creating a strong muscle that will set you up for success.
Fail to do this and your video strategy will suffer at some point, believe me, I have seen it too many times…
Ditch the expensive list of equipment…
Please, don´t follow what every other unsuccessful, boring, standard person is doing on video.
You don´t need that big, expensive, stupid equipment in the middle of your living room, only to show people that you are a livestreamer!
I can guarantee, if what you are going to be creating close up (or waist up) videos: livestreams, pre-recorded videos, courses, interviews and calls (yes, those are also videos), all you need is 1 PIECE OF EQUIPMENT under $30 (two at the most, depending on your case). If you want to know what it is, comment #one below and I will send you the info.
Even if you are doing full body videos, you can create professional looking videos by using 1 or 2 affordable pieces of equipment. Comment #two if you want to know what you need.
Light and sound
are two very important elements in your videos, but there is still another one as powerful as these two that very few people are aware of… I will explain that further down.
You might even be able to use some natural light source, a.k.a. windows right at the beginning and invest in equipment a bit later, this is how to do it:
– Always face the light, I have lost count of how many people I see doing their videos with a window behind them, your light should always be in front of you, not behind.
– If you are not yet using any lighting equipment in your videos, and rely solely on natural daylight, find the most flattering light for your videos.
To do this: Test the light at different times during the day and write down your preferences, that way you will have a good idea of when is the best time to go live. Stick to that time during a specific season, you will then have to test again when weather conditions change.
On the other hand, if you want to be sure of always having the right light for every video, no matter what the weather is like outside, comment #one below and I will share with you my go to light fixture under $30.
Light should be constant, uniform and interesting.
Yes, light is also a great way of making your videos recognizable and therefore, stand out from a saturated feed.
Not all light is the same, as you know, and you might have to test a few things before (or avoid all the time consuming testing by working with me).
The main reason why people stop watching a video is poor sound, so if you are not able to shoot your videos in a quiet, sound-proof space, you can use a microphone. Comment #three if you want to know a cost-effective option that will save the day.
In general, if you are livestreaming from a regular-sized room, have no sound distractions around, your windows and door are closed and you are close to the microphone on your device, you should be fine. If you are going to be a bit further away from the mic, or if you are moving in your videos , or you are going to shoot outdoors, you definitely need a microphone.
Podcasts always require microphones, your audience will expect a certain quality.
If you want to improve your speech and delivery, you should follow Ariane de Melo. Her techniques will highly benefit your videos, she can teach you how to project your voice, breathing techniques and many other things that you need to be aware of when you speak in public.
And if you want to tackle your public speaking fears that have a deeper root (maybe a childhood event), you should follow Jim J Doyle, who will identify them and make them vanish using some of his amazing healing modalities.
There is still another piece in the puzzle, apart from light and sound: one that most people are not aware of… but you will have to read on to find out what it is.
No, I would never recommend the use of any substance in order to livestream, absolutely not, but I will recommend a few neurochemicals, which your body can produce naturally and that will change the way you show up on screen.
I see this piece of advice everywhere: Be yourself on video and people will love you.
It is simply ridiculous!
What does being yourself mean, anyway?
Being your old grumpy you?
Being the nagging you?
Maybe, being the tired you?
People deserve to see only the better version of you.
The happy, fun, entertaining, knowledgeable and vibrant you, that is…if you want to be magnetic in front of an audience.
Nobody is going to follow a boring, nagging, grumpy or tired you, ok?
It is the same as dressing up nicely before your guests arrive for a dinner party, it is a sign of respect towards them in the first place, you want to look your best and, secondly, you need to show a charismatic, magnetic persona on video or else, not even your mum is going to want to watch you.
So, how can you make sure you show up being the best, prepared, energetic version of you?
By hacking a few neurochemicals that you can produce naturally!
For instance, if you feel anxious or nervous before going live, increasing your ENDORPHIN levels will help you become more relaxed. You can increase levels by watching something funny right before you go live (laughter releases endorphins); have a small piece of dark chocolate, or smell certain scents.
There are more effective ways I teach all my clients, these tools can help you not only with video, but before a sales call, a speaking gig, a dentist appointment…!
Content is king, I bet you have heard that a few times too.
Well, on video, many elements are king (and queen) but, obviously having something to say is rather important, don´t ya think?
Creating content might seem like a humongous challenge but if you truly are an expert, you will never be short of ideas, what you might be short of is of creative ways of presenting them.
Not every video needs to be a Masterclass, you can show your knowledge in many ways.
Bear in mind that, when doing a video, you are trying to ATTRACT your ideal client – CONNECT to them emotionally so that they TRUST you and eventually BUY from you.
In order to do this, a variety of videos is required:
-Create inspiring and entertaining videos that WOW your viewers.
-Ask them what they want you to speak about or what questions they need answered (this alone is an infinite source of content ideas).
-Create videos where your personality can shine through.
And always remember to:
–Create an experience for them, every single time, no matter what type of video you are doing.
And here comes the final, but hugely important last piece of the puzzle:
Viewers scrolling down a saturated feed will decide to watch you or keep scrolling in less that 2 SECONDS!
How can you get them to “Stop & Watch”?
How can you get their attention instantly?
- 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.
- Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.
You guessed, by showing the RIGHT VISUALS in your videos, you can literally make people “Stop & Watch”.
But, what visuals should you use on video?
Well, let´s start from the beginning, whatever your viewers see behind you on video is called a BACKDROP and it is massively powerful tool (when used properly) and a very harmful tool if you are not aware of it.
Your backdrop can ATTRACT your ideal client immediately, it´s up too you later to follow with remarkable content and delivery.
Your backdrop can show your POSITIONING in seconds; trying to attract high-end clients? You will only be able to by showing a high-end backdrop yourself.
Your backdrop has the power of telling your story visually, without words.
Your backdrop can build an emotionally connection with your viewers. And it will build trust, which is vital if you want to sell on video.
Your backdrop will tell your viewers what you are about, what your business is about, without you having to speak.
A BACKDROP that SELLS (my signature system) can increase sales from 30-71%.
Not only that, it is the easiest, no software required way of branding every single video and no, not with a logo, that, I am sorry to break it to you, has no memory retention effect in your viewers.
And, although you can refer to some of my earlier posts, make sure you don´t make the mistake of becoming a “generic = forgettable brand” that uses a generic fabric screen in their videos, no, that is NOT a powerful backdrop. But more on that another day.
A backdrop will “create the scene” for your videos, thus helping you deliver an experience to your audience.
And you need to CREATE AN EXPERIENCE every time you connect to your viewers or clients, so you become MEMORABLE in their minds.
So, when planning your next video, make sure your viewers can identify those bullets points above in your backdrop.
Believe me, if you follow these 5 steps, your videos will improve tenfold.
There is absolutely no excuse for you not to make better videos by implementing these 5 steps.
If you go even deeper by working with me, the changes will be outstanding.