melaniefalvey | The Perfect Backdrop Sat, 28 Dec 2019 13:09:28 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 melaniefalvey | The Perfect Backdrop 32 32 HOW TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS TO 6 FIGURES USING VIDEO Thu, 30 Aug 2018 10:58:49 +0000   I am about to share with you the ONLY 5 STEPS you need to effectively grow your business to 6 figures by using VIDEO.  If you want to go on running around in circles, please DO NOT read this.  DO NOT read this if you are ok following the masses and not standing out. […]

The post HOW TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS TO 6 FIGURES USING VIDEO first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>

I am about to share with you the ONLY 5 STEPS you need to effectively grow your business to 6 figures by using VIDEO.

 If you want to go on running around in circles, please DO NOT read this.
 DO NOT read this if you are ok following the masses and not standing out.

 Read this only if you are ready to see results by implementing what you are about to learn.
 Read this only if you are ready to STAND OUT and not ever think about the competition again.



Because here is the thing, when you do things above average, there is NO competition.




Get clear on wanting to use video and grow a strong Mindset that will support your Video Strategy in the long run.

This may sound weird but it is the #1 reason why so many video strategies fail. If you don´t take the time to set strong foundations, the whole plan will collapse. If you don´t take the time to create a habit of doing video, sooner or later, you will feel the overwhelm of creating content or being visible, the fear of judgement and you will need time away from livestreaming.


You can teach your brain to be ok with video. I am speaking from experience! Nobody was more petrified that I was a few months ago, ok? But if you follow these steps, you WILL be able to rock your videos, grow your business and have a hell of a time while doing it.

85% of the US internet audience watches videos online



Let´s get one thing clear, it is not enough to KNOW that you need to do video for your business to grow, you also need to develop a strong mindset that will allow you to be ok with:

-becoming visible
-being judged
-being consistent (if not, any strategy will fail)
-having to do videos, even when you are tired or don´t feel like doing them
-staying strong and balanced when the overwhelm of being visible and vulnerable hits home, and believe me, this will happen even to the most outgoing personalities



But I see too many people trying to step out of their comfort zone the wrong way.

If you take the approach of the “shock therapy”, the all or nothing, you are setting up to fail.

Building a Video Mindset (or visibility mindset) is exactly the same as building a muscle and creating a habit.



Here is how to do it:

Make your brain get used to getting out of its comfort zone every single day, by taking smaller actions. Build up the courage step by step, so that your brain gets used to the new connections it is starting to build.

By consistent repetition and progressive build up, you will be creating a long-term habit.

It is then fundamental that you reward yourself for every goal accomplished. This is how to do it:

So, your big GOAL is to build strong foundations for your Video strategy to work.
Break up that goal into smaller ones, why?
Because they will seem less scary and more achievable, this increases DOPAMINE, a neurotransmitter that helps with goal achievement and motivation.



 By feeding the brain higher levels of dopamine, it will remain motivated. YES!



Plan for a daily smaller goal to be achieved and reward yourself upon completion. Rewards can be anything that make you happy: a walk with the dog, watching your favourite series, having a glass of wine, checking out updates from your favourite influencers on Instagram… It is very important that the reward is immediate, not delayed, for maximum effect.


I teach my students how to naturally enhance Dopamine and other neurotransmitters in my programme VIDEOS that SELL, once you know how to use these neuro chemicals effectively, your videos will never be the same…

Apply this system and you will be creating a strong muscle that will set you up for success.
Fail to do this and your video strategy will suffer at some point, believe me, I have seen it too many times…





Ditch the expensive list of equipment…
Please, don´t follow what every other unsuccessful, boring, standard person is doing on video.

You don´t need that big, expensive, stupid equipment in the middle of your living room, only to show people that you are a livestreamer!

I can guarantee, if what you are going to be creating close up (or waist up) videos: livestreams, pre-recorded videos, courses, interviews and calls (yes, those are also videos), all you need is 1 PIECE OF EQUIPMENT under $30 (two at the most, depending on your case). If you want to know what it is, comment #one below and I will send you the info.

Even if you are doing full body videos, you can create professional looking videos by using 1 or 2 affordable pieces of equipment. Comment #two if you want to know what you need.


Light  and sound  are two very important elements in your videos, but there is still another one as powerful as these two that very few people are aware of… I will explain that further down.



You might even be able to use some natural light source, a.k.a. windows right at the beginning and invest in equipment a bit later, this is how to do it:

– Always face the light, I have lost count of how many people I see doing their videos with a window behind them, your light should always be in front of you, not behind.
– If you are not yet using any lighting equipment in your videos, and rely solely on natural daylight, find the most flattering light for your videos.

 To do this: Test the light at different times during the day and write down your preferences, that way you will have a good idea of when is the best time to go live. Stick to that time during a specific season, you will then have to test again when weather conditions change.

On the other hand, if you want to be sure of always having the right light for every video, no matter what the weather is like outside, comment #one below and I will share with you my go to light fixture under $30.


Light should be constant, uniform and interesting.


Yes, light is also a great way of making your videos recognizable and therefore, stand out from a saturated feed.

Not all light is the same, as you know, and you might have to test a few things before (or avoid all the time consuming testing by working with me).




The main reason why people stop watching a video is poor sound, so if you are not able to shoot your videos in a quiet, sound-proof space, you can use a microphone. Comment #three if you want to know a cost-effective option that will save the day.

In general, if you are livestreaming from a regular-sized room, have no sound distractions around, your windows and door are closed and you are close to the microphone on your device, you should be fine. If you are going to be a bit further away from the mic, or if you are moving in your videos , or you are going to shoot outdoors, you definitely need a microphone.

 Podcasts always require microphones, your audience will expect a certain quality.

If you want to improve your speech and delivery, you should follow Ariane de Melo. Her techniques will highly benefit your videos, she can teach you how to project your voice, breathing techniques and many other things that you need to be aware of when you speak in public.

And if you want to tackle your public speaking fears that have a deeper root (maybe a childhood event), you should follow Jim J Doyle, who will identify them and make them vanish using some of his amazing healing modalities.


There is still another piece in the puzzle, apart from light and sound: one that most people are not aware of… but you will have to read on to find out what it is.






No, I would never recommend the use of any substance in order to livestream, absolutely not, but I will recommend a few neurochemicals, which your body can produce naturally and that will change the way you show up on screen.

I see this piece of advice everywhere: Be yourself on video and people will love you.
It is simply ridiculous!

What does being yourself mean, anyway?

Being your old grumpy you? 
Being the nagging you? 
Maybe, being the tired you?

People deserve to see only the better version of you.
The happy, fun, entertaining, knowledgeable and vibrant you, that is…if you want to be magnetic in front of an audience.

Nobody is going to follow a boring, nagging, grumpy or tired you, ok?

It is the same as dressing up nicely before your guests arrive for a dinner party, it is a sign of respect towards them in the first place, you want to look your best and, secondly, you need to show a charismatic, magnetic persona on video or else, not even your mum is going to want to watch you.


So, how can you make sure you show up being the best, prepared, energetic version of you?

By hacking a few neurochemicals that you can produce naturally! 

For instance, if you feel anxious or nervous before going live, increasing your ENDORPHIN levels will help you become more relaxed. You can increase levels by watching something funny right before you go live (laughter releases endorphins); have a small piece of dark chocolate, or smell certain scents.

There are more effective ways I teach all my clients, these tools can help you not only with video, but before a sales call, a speaking gig, a dentist appointment…!






Content is king, I bet you have heard that a few times too.
Well, on video, many elements are king (and queen) but, obviously having something to say is rather important,   don´t ya think?

Creating content might seem like a humongous challenge but if you truly are an expert, you will never be short of ideas, what you might be short of is of creative ways of presenting them.
Not every video needs to be a Masterclass, you can show your knowledge in many ways.

Bear in mind that, when doing a video, you are trying to ATTRACT your ideal client – CONNECT to them emotionally so that they TRUST you and eventually BUY from you.


In order to do this, a variety of videos is required:

-Create inspiring and entertaining videos that WOW your viewers.
-Ask them what they want you to speak about or what questions they need answered (this alone is an infinite source of content ideas).
-Create videos where your personality can shine through.


 And always remember to:

Create an experience for them, every single time, no matter what type of video you are doing.






And here comes the final, but hugely important last piece of the puzzle:

Viewers scrolling down a saturated feed will decide to watch you or keep scrolling in less that 2 SECONDS!

How can you get them to “Stop & Watch”?
How can you get their attention instantly?



  •  90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.
  •  Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.



You guessed, by showing the RIGHT VISUALS in your videos, you can literally make people “Stop & Watch”.


But, what visuals should you use on video?

Well, let´s start from the beginning, whatever your viewers see behind you on video is called a BACKDROP and it is massively powerful tool (when used properly) and a very harmful tool if you are not aware of it.


Your backdrop can ATTRACT your ideal client immediately, it´s up too you later to follow with remarkable content and delivery.

Your backdrop can show your POSITIONING in seconds; trying to attract high-end clients? You will only be able to by showing a high-end backdrop yourself.

Your backdrop has the power of telling your story visually, without words.

Your backdrop can build an emotionally connection with your viewers. And it will build trust, which is vital if you want to sell on video.

Your backdrop will tell your viewers what you are about, what your business is about, without you having to speak.

A BACKDROP that SELLS (my signature system) can increase sales from 30-71%.

Not only that, it is the easiest, no software required way of branding every single video and no, not with a logo, that, I am sorry to break it to you, has no memory retention effect in your viewers.

And, although you can refer to some of my earlier posts, make sure you don´t make the mistake of becoming a “generic = forgettable brand” that uses a generic fabric screen in their videos, no, that is NOT a powerful backdrop. But more on that another day.

A backdrop will “create the scene” for your videos, thus helping you deliver an experience to your audience.


And you need to CREATE AN EXPERIENCE every time you connect to your viewers or clients, so you become MEMORABLE in their minds.


 So, when planning your next video, make sure your viewers can identify those bullets points above in your backdrop.

Believe me, if you follow these 5 steps, your videos will improve tenfold.

There is absolutely no excuse for you not to make better videos by implementing these 5 steps.

If you go even deeper by working with me, the changes will be outstanding.



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VISUAL INFORMATION AND YOUR BRAIN Thu, 30 Aug 2018 10:01:07 +0000    90% OF INFORMATION TRANSMITTED TO THE BRAIN IS VISUAL And,   You have about 2 seconds to get someone´s attention in a saturated feed…   So, how can you make sure that you are sending out the right visual information in under 3 seconds so that people scrolling down their feed “Stop & Watch”? […]

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You have about 2 seconds to get someone´s attention in a saturated feed…


So, how can you make sure that you are sending out the right visual information in under 3 seconds so that people scrolling down their feed “Stop & Watch”?



First of all, let me tell you that if you already think you are doing the best you can on video to attract your ideal clients and get their attention, don´t bother to go on reading.

However, if you are a smart business owner who is always committed to improving, growing and you strive for excellence and being above average, then, this will change the way you do videos, believe me.



Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.



So, it is fundamental that you are sending out the right visuals.



 On video, your Visuals are known as BACKDROPS, a backdrop is the space behind you that viewers can see.






It has the power to make or break your videos, your credibility and therefore, your whole business. Yes, it IS that powerful! Remember 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual .


A well designed backdrop (that is, following my system Backdrops that Sell), is able to do this for you:

  •  Brand your videos consistently so that your viewers RECOGNISE your brand and REMEMBER it.
    And, no, it is not about using a logo, research has shown that logos are not stored in our memories, however, there are other effective ways of making that connection to your brand in your viewers´ minds.
  •  Show your field of expertise, people need to know what they are going to watch in order to decide whether they want to spend their precious time with you. Make it easy for them!
  •  Show your personality and personal style. Visuals are THE MOST POWERFUL way of attracting and communicating with your Ideal client. The right backdrop will attract their curiosity, the wrong one will just confuse them. And you definitely don´t want that: Confused people don´t buy!
  •  Tell your story, yes, a backdrop is a great story-telling tool. It is also a nice ice-breaker and conversation starter. Talk about multi-purpose!
  •  Build TRUST and CREDIBILITY. Lets´s just put it this way: You need to show the results you help people get with your product or service in your videos. So, if you are trying to attract high-end clients, they need to see a high-end backdrop or video set, or else, they are not going to believe you. And, if they don´t believe you, they won´t buy from you.
  •  Last but certainly , not least: SELL! A backdrop can literally sell for you, ok, I might have got a little carried away…you will need to put in some work, have a great message (which, I know you have or else you wouldn´t be reading this far); and know how to deliver it. But, the right visuals, in the right place, at the right time or with the right type of video will increase SALES. It is a fact, no room for chance here.



The reason I started this business is precisely because I was seeing too many people who had great potential regarding their message and expertise but, they were falling flat on video because they were not even aware that they needed a backdrop that amplified their strengths and helped them sell.

 The point is: you always have something behind you in your videos, don´t you? So, you need to make sure that it is the right backdrop for you (and not some generic screen that is actually harming your business).

For years, I have been designing retail spaces, events and sets for big clients (beauty brands, yes, those really expensive creams you are thinking of; pharmaceutical companies, food&beverage moguls…the lot) .

I became known for creating my own approach to design, which combines commercial design, event and staging design, shop window design and psychology in my projects and thus, making millions for my clients. And nice “dollas” for my business too. 



This is why, when I saw people doing video without proper backdrops, it only made sense to bring this knowledge online to help livestreamers and business owners who were trying to grow their businesses through video. The result was my Backdrops that Sell System that guarantees your visuals are amplifying your strengths and delivering the right stimulus so that SALES increase drastically.


Think of it as having the best, most striking window display for your store.

That is the effect a backdrop has in your videos, it is your own shop window display that will attract clients to your business and make sales a breeze!


But beware! ☠


Just in the same way as the right backdrop acting as a super power for your videos, the wrong one will HARM your brand terribly.

If your message does NOT MATCH your backdrop; in other words, if what you say doesn´t match what you show; your viewers will be confused, they won´t believe you, they will therefore NOT TRUST you and…unfortunately, they will NOT BUY from you.


Don´t worry, with a well planned strategy, we can turn that around and make your brand desirable. 



 But here is the thing, how can you tell whether your BACKDROP is sending out the right information or not?

How can you be sure that you are using the right backdrop for your brand and for the outcomes you are expecting from your videos?


When you are on VIDEO, there are 2 types of visuals:

1.- NOISE 



1.-  NOISE
Is any visual stimulus that does not add to the outcome of your video, on the contrary, it confuses viewers.
 It does NOT match the message.
 It does not fit the brand.  It simply DISTRACTS.
And, you cannot afford distractions on video, space and time are very limited when you are on screen and, you have no chance of a second impression. So, everything you put out, needs to be on point.



Any type of visual stimulus that is doing one of the above: branding, story-telling, attracting, building trust, connecting…selling.


  •  Visuals that have a meaning and a purpose in your videos.
  •   Visuals that are going to amplify your message.
  •  Visuals and psychological triggers that are going to help you achieve an outcome.
     Visuals that are going to make you memorable in a saturated feed.

Remember! You only have 2 seconds for people to decide that they want o “Stop & Watch” your videos.

✅ The right backdrop will stick in your viewers brain 🧠 for longer.
✅ It will make your videos RECOGNISABLE.
✅ It will stick in your audience´s long term memory. Research has shown that after three days, a user retained only 10-20% of written or spoken information but almost 65% of visual information.


 Now, would you like to know whether you are using the right backdrop or not?



💡 Do this simple test:

Show people who don´t know what you do a photo of your backdrop.

Then, ask them:

– What do you think I do?
– What do you think is my personality?
– Who do you think I work with?
– Can you describe my brand?

If you get all these answers 100% accurate, well done, you are either one of the very few doing it right or you are my client (!) 

But if you get vague, unclear replies, there is something missing or wrong with your backdrop.


In this case, let´s work on it, I can guarantee, your videos won´t be the same again. Get in touch and we´ll get started with the best option for you.






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Is your backdrop killing your Credibility? Sat, 11 Aug 2018 12:45:12 +0000 THIS TYPE OF BACKDROP IS KILLING YOUR CREDIBILITY     People often ask me why I don´t recommend using generic backdrops (aka the ones you buy ready-made to hang on a wall or pole structure). You, know the fabric screen that are sold as video backdrops, but that are, in fact, only photography backdrops.   […]

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People often ask me why I don´t recommend using generic backdrops (aka the ones you buy ready-made to hang on a wall or pole structure). You, know the fabric screen that are sold as video backdrops, but that are, in fact, only photography backdrops.


I think they can kill your brand, your credibility and they make you look lazy!




You see, one of the purposes of using a video backdrop is to make your videos recognisable in a saturated feed. To make you stand out from the crowd.


Your backdrop should be customised to you and your business.

Your message, your brand, your business, your personality…are not the same as another business owner´s message, brand, business, personality:


So why the flamingo would you use the same generic backdrop as somebody else?


The mere fact that you might be using what other people are using, for the exact same purpose, neutralises the purpose of making you stand out.


So why would you want to be faded out in the mass of live streamers that are using that same, uninspired backdrop?
It´s ridiculous!


Your backdrop is your most powerful visual branding tool when you are on screen!


Your video backdrop is the new “About Me” page !!!


You have spent time and money creating your brand and brand image, why would you toss it in the bin with a bad choice of a backdrop?


Your backdrop is your digital brand brought to life.


The wrong backdrop can seriously damage your credibility, and your authority.


Remember, people need to be able to see what you say you can help them with in your videos: Show the results you can help them get.

They need to trust that you can take them from A to B.
You need to show them the results they can get by working with you.
You need to be coherent with what you say.


This is the reason I created a proven system, that applies my years of experience designing commercial spaces and events, as an award winning designer, I have been able to create show stopping events and successful retail and commercial spaces for my clients, making them thousands of dollars, I now apply the same commercial, scenography and psychology principles to your backdrops so that your videos can become a powerful selling machine.


So, are you going to be a generic solution for your clients or a specific, exclusive, high-end  solution?
You decide.


If you want your videos to be your best selling tool, check this out. Limited time offer.

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How to make better videos Sun, 18 Mar 2018 20:08:53 +0000     Download a full .pdf explaining everything a backdrop can do for your videos.   So you have decided to use Video in your business.   Congrats! It is a smart decision as by 2020, Cisco has estimated that video content will make 80-90% of all content online, this is huge and in order […]

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Download a full .pdf explaining everything a backdrop can do for your videos.


So you have decided to use Video in your business.


Congrats! It is a smart decision as by 2020, Cisco has estimated that video content will make 80-90% of all content online, this is huge and in order to be successful, you definitely need to embrace it as soon as possible.

If you are already using Video, you need to make sure you are doing it right or else, it could be doing nothing for you, or what´s even worse, it could be harming your brand and message *more on this below.





Here is what usually happens right after you decide to create Videos for your business:



1.- What type of videos should I create?



You start thinking about what type of content you would like to create , if you want a tip, don´t create the type of content you think your audience will like but ask them, do some research into what they are asking, what they need, what their struggles are…

This is a much more effective approach to content creation and will save you months, if not more of creating content for crickets…

Find a good balance of educational/inspiring videos as well as some behind the scenes (your viewers will love those!), entertaining content…it really comes down to what your audience wants to watch, so when you make it a habit to ask them, they will be an infinite source of ideas!


The best help on this topic (on how to structure and be consistent) I have found in all my years as an online entrepreneur has been this class by Desislava Dobreva   ,  a 3-hour masterclass that will help you destroy any confusion and overwhelm you have about positioning your business online with a powerful content strategy. After this, you’ll be able to create your entire social media strategy from scratch and become a content creation machine. I tell you, it is gold!

Now, if you would like to plan all your content like a PRO and even create each type of video and practice them before you go live, check out my VIDEOS that SELL Programme.



2.- What platform/s should I use?



Now, after you decide your Content plan, you need to start thinking on what platforms you will be using. Not every platform works the same way, and they each have their peculiarities when it comes to backdrops (more on that later) but to make it easy for you to decide, ask yourself this question:


Where is my Ideal client?


That´s it, you now have an answer to where you should be streaming from. Start small, on one or two platforms at the most. It takes time to get the grasp of how each platform works.


If you are going to be using Written Visuals in your videos (words, taglines, etc), you need to know the characteristics of each platform. I offer a free cheat sheet for people who join my facebook group (apart from other awesome trainings, and free content, oh, and a weekly giveaway). If you want to join and get my free cheat sheet, just click on the image below.


Click on image to join.


3.- How do I structure my videos?

Ok, so this, takes time to master, but the best script and outline, without doubt  I have found and I use as so do all my #peri10k peeps (It is a community of change makers and thought leaders) is this one by Katya Varbanova. At first, simply look at it while you are livestreaming, the more you use it , the more familiar you will become with the structure and it will soon be second nature. It really helped me with managing my nerves and making me feel more confident on camera. It is a way of seeming more professional, like you know what you are doing, lol! It also helps when you get nervous, and I know a thing or two about that…camera-shy was my second name, petrified was my first name!

In my new programme, you will be able to create your own script, completely adapted to your business and strategy and, yes, you guessed, you will be able to Practice before using it live. Learn more here.




4.- What equipment do I need?


Let´s be honest, when you are first starting out you have plenty enough equipment with your phone , a backdrop* , an affordable light and tripod (UK link) affordable light and tripod  (US link) and in some cases a mic . With this same equipment I recommend to all my clients, you can easily make videos until you are making big sales.

Remember you are trying to provide the best viewer experience, so you should eventually level up your video gear, although don´t let that stop you, you need to start doing video today, your can always up-level bit by bit.

I am going to break down this section and tell you exactly what you need when:


1. Starting out and until you are making money:


You just need a smartphone and a video backdrop*.

Optional: a tripod will make things easier but you can also use a stack of books, some sturdy box or candle…you should see how I did my first videos! Some of them are still up on my Facebook page , some people may argue I should take them down,(some are even blurry…) but you what, I keep them there as a reminder of how far I have come since I started livestreaming (but that is a whole other story!).


About the *backdrop:

As you saw in the video at the top of this page,


a backdrop is what your viewers can see behind you when you are on screen.





BUT it is NOT (or it should not be) that generic fabric screen some people are using (there is nothing wrong with the format, the power of a backdrop is in the Visuals you are using, not in the format). If you want to know why those screens are harming your brand, watch this super short video. 

or read this article.


When you are on camera, there is always something behind you, it is merely a physical fact, so why not make it work in your favour instead of against you? 


A backdrop is not only your physical support when you are doing videos , it acts as an emotional support too.




Your backdrop is your Visual Communication, it is the first impression your viewers will have of you. And you know what? It is the best selling machine for your business.


In a saturated feed, you need to make it easy for people to decide they want to “Stop & Watch” you.


Your Video Backdrop has the power (when designed right) to:


  • Amplify your message
  • Make your videos recognisable in a saturated feed.
  • Brand all your videos.
  • Tell your story.
  • Show your expertise.
  • Build the trust factor fast.
  • Show your clients what results you ca get for them.
  • Attract your Ideal client easily.
  • Communicate your message visually.
  • Market your offers subtly (using seller psychology).
  • Use effective CTAs in your videos that will help you get subscribers, sales or whatever outcome you are aiming at.

Download my Free Checklist to know what key 3 elements you need to have in place.

Download to get the full Checklist.


Can you see how POWERFUL it is?

The terrible thing is, hardly anyone is using their backdrop to their full potential, moreover, most people are using the wrong backdrop (because they are not even aware they have one) or using the wrong solution, such as a generic fabric screen that is doing nothing to make their videos recognisable and unique.


Using the wrong backdrop is actually harming your branding, your message and your credibility.


It is confusing your viewers because what you say (your message) and what they see (your backdrop) doesn´t match.


A fully Optimised backdrop will have every key element in place, depending on your needs, your goals, your aspiration and your current surroundings.


I do not believe in invasive solutions such as big poles and screens unless you have a video studio, a dedicated space you can use solely for video creation. If that is not your situation, which, most likely isn´t, you need to make the living/video/working combo work for you and for the inhabitants of your home. I like creating the Perfect Backdrop for each client, the one that will act as a marketing, branding and communication tool but that will also enhance your surroundings and not be an obstacle in your space.


If you want to know whether you are using the right backdrop for your videos, check this article out.


If you are ready to start rocking your videos, let´s chat. Book an Initial Consultation with me in which I will see what the best solution would be for your needs and situation.




1. You are already making money in our business and/or creating Courses or Video ads:

I do recommend you invest in all or some of these if you are creating Courses or Video ads , or if you are a regular live streamer; at this stage you really should be delivering high quality videos, viewers will expect it.

I am listing a number of items I use myself and I recommend my clients, there are several options, at different price points.


  • Although you can still use a smartphone (the higher range in Apple or Samsung, for instance, not quoting others as I have no experience with them), below you will find some cameras that are great for creating courses and webinars.


  • Video Backdrop: this is a MUST. No video should be done without a proper, optimised backdrop as you have learnt in the point above. However, you might have started with a more simple video backdrop (Backdrop Quick-Fix) and now you are ready for the full version.
  • I have created a System, that turns your backdrop into your best selling tool. I am an award winning designer and for years, I have designed commercial retail spaces and events, making millions for my clients, I now apply the same commercial design and psychology principles to your VIDEOS , so that you can easily grow your business to 6-figures by using video.


  • A tripod, people get very nervous when a video is shaky, you don´t want that. I am sharing my two favourites at two different price points. You can start with the more affordable option and upgrade later on. It also depends on your needs, will you just use it from a desk? Or will you be taking it with you, even outdoors? In this case, I do recommend the Gorilla tripod as it is incredibly versatile, you can place it on the most extreme surfaces and it will remain steadily gripped.



  • One of the main reasons not to follow someone´s videos is  bad SOUND. It is a top reason also for your course to be rejected on Udemy or other teaching platforms.  I highly recommend the Rode Smart Lav. This is definitely a sound investment (pun intended).





  • Next piece of equipment would be lighting. If you need help finding the best spot for your video backdrops and making the most of natural lighting, book an Initial Consultation with me, sometimes you don´t even need any other type of lighting or other times, you will benefit more from other options. It all depends on the style of video you are going to shoot, your Ideal audience, your brand style…I can give you honest feedback on what features you should invest in and which you don´t need. However, if you already know that you do require lighting equipment, here are my go to recommendations; lightboxes only if you have a space you can use as a video set or studio, if not, this handy and super affordable option is my go to favourite to use with a mobile phone.


This is a similar option:



  • If you are planning on creating high quality videos, courses or You Tube videos, you will eventually need to invest in a camera that works well both for video and photos.I love my Canon! They are easy to use (they even come with a free course) and photos and video are really professional looking. Of course, you can later go really professional with other cameras and lenses but wait until you start making money from your videos. On my list, the Canon EOS C100  below.
  • If you are looking for an affordable option to use with your computer, this webcam does the trick at a reasonable price.





5.- You have it all sorted…but who is going to watch? How to find your audience.


The best way to grow an audience today is definitely via video, no question about that.

Luckily building a tribe just needs commitment, consistency and a proven system ……. I´ve got you covered!

The best training ever is ACE  , it gives you all the steps you need to take to go from 0 viewers to 1000 easily. After that, numbers (apparently) start piling up really fast! Ask me again in a couple of months, combining my different platforms I am way over that first thousand (remember I started livestreaming recently) but on the same platform, I am still not there). ACE has given me the step-by-step instructions (easy to implement, by the way), so it is just a question of being consistent.

And, once more, your Backdrop is the easiest and fastest way of attracting your Ideal tribe. If you want to know the exact visulas you should be using and where they need to be placed, check this out, my new programme covers every single element you need to have in place so that your videos SELL.


I really do hope this post will help you get started or uplevel your video game.

You simply cannot afford to wait any longer to hit that Go live button and start getting clients!

Let me know how else I can help you.



A video backdrop and a smartphone is all you need to share your message and start getting clients from video!

But if you really want to do it fast and easily, join the VIDEOS that SELL Programme, right now, you can get in at a fraction of the price, while we run our BETA. In September, price will double.




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What is holding you back from breaking that income level? Wed, 14 Mar 2018 19:46:09 +0000   What is holding you back from breaking that income level?   Why can´t you seem to be able to grow past a certain figure?   Have you been stuck in the 5-figure level for too long and no matter what you do, you still can´t open the next door?   Have you lost motivation? […]

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What is holding you back from breaking that income level?


Why can´t you seem to be able to grow past a certain figure?


Have you been stuck in the 5-figure level for too long and no matter what you do, you still can´t open the next door?


Have you lost motivation?


Do you need to feel the excitement of a challenge you know you can conquer?


An Optimised Workspace ensures you can be in the RIGHT MOOD at the RIGHT TIME so that every minute spent on your business is productive and enjoyable and therefore you can work smarter and have more time for the things that matter to you.


So, let me ask you this:



The reason why you do what you do is very likely to have more freedom (in every sense); to be able to spend time with your loved ones and to enjoy life more.


When you are working from the wrong workspace, your productivity is negatively impacted, your focus is lost often, you feel stuck and you unable to find answers and solutions to your problems and your motivation is low most of the time.

 What is holding you back?


You know how to run a business, you have taken yours to the 5-6 figure level, you have systems in place but somehow, you cannot break that glass ceiling, you keep bumping into the same income level…you are starting to feel unmotivated because there are no more challenges for you to grow…


Your surroundings have a direct impact on your performance. You cannot possibly evolve if your surroundings are not upgraded to match your next level.



You cannot possibly evolve if your surroundings are not upgraded to match your next level.



Your success depends hugely on how you feel and perform in your workspace.


Your focus, motivation and productivity require a very specific set of triggers in your workspace.

What´s more, your needs have outgrown, you cannot stay stuck in the same old environment and expect new performance in your work.


Your next level in business is only an Optimised Workspace away.


Let me create an Optimised Workspace for YOU, taking your needs, goals, vision and starting point into account.

I created my Optimising system for high achievers like you. Who, after some great success you seem unable to get to the next level.


By using my unique system that combines design, psychology, motivation, emotional intelligence and commercial psychology, your workspace will become the engine your business needs to be propelled to a higher level.


To infinity and beyond!


Book your Initial Consultation today.


No more feeling stuck, you are ready for bigger goals, higher earning months and a much more fulfilling life and business.

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Why you are not attracting high-end clients Tue, 20 Feb 2018 02:34:04 +0000 Are trying to reach high-end clients but feel like there is something not attracting them?   Are you ready for the next level in your business?   Do you feel called to make a bigger impact?   Do you feel it is time for you to go big?   Aim higher?   What your viewers […]

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Are trying to reach high-end clients but feel like there is something not attracting them?


Are you ready for the next level in your business?


Do you feel called to make a bigger impact?


Do you feel it is time for you to go big?


Aim higher?


What your viewers see in your videos is what they think you can do for them.

What results are you showing your viewers you can get them?

What success are you showing in your videos?

What high-end surroundings can they see?


You see, here is the hard truth…
If they cannot see it, they cannot believe it.


Stop preaching in the desert.


If you want to attract high-end clients, you need to prove to them you are high-end too.



Let me tell you one thing:
Selling high-end services or products requires a different strategy, careful staging and exquisite delivery…
Your videos need to show that you are one of them, that you understand their struggles and you can take them to the results they long to achieve.
I know this well because I have been fortunate to grow up in that environment (not bragging, just making a statement), not that I haven´t had my fair share of struggles, because I can assure you I have had maybe more than many people…but that is a different story. What I am trying to tell you is I know how they think, what they think, how they breathe and what they want. And I know too, you cannot enter that realm if they suspect you are an outsider.


They need to “see” that you are up to their standards of quality and style.


They need to believe that you “get them”.


Whatever idea of quality they get form your videos is the idea of quality they will assume your services to have. It is mere association of ideas.


Give them quality, style and impeccable design and you will be trusted. You will become an insider.

Fair or unfair, it is what it is.
And let´s face it, if your message is about how you can take them from A to B, from Mess to Success…you need to show them that you have been able to go from mess to success yourself, don´t you think? If you are still showing A in your videos, they won´t believe you can take them to B.


But, how can you do this?
Well, the first contact they have with your brand is Visual. Visual contact is powerful when done right but ever so harmful to your brand when done wrong.


Video the fastest and the best way to skyrocket your business.
You need to show the right, high-end visuals that they are expecting to see.
You can do that easily by showing that your surroundings are also at that high-end level.


They will only trust you if you can demonstrate that your level of success will take them to the next level or will solve their problems.


Your space says more about your business than you think. It actually says it (almost) all on video, at least.


Let them see you are as successful as you say you are: Show them!


Your video backdrop needs to live and breathe your message and show the results you can get your clients.


And no, this is not about faking it till you make it, rather the opposite, upgrade your surroundings so that they match your level of success.


You have reached a certain status in your business, now it is time to upgrade your surroundings so that they are a perfect fit.


Do not cheapen your brand by having the wrong video backdrop and surroundings.


Let´s chat, we will speak about your needs, your vision and about the best solution to get you those high-end clients you so deserve. Fill in the form below or book your call here.

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]

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The Power Word Experience© Special Edition Upgrade Tue, 09 Jan 2018 15:59:37 +0000 How to use your Power Word Click here to UPGRADE your Experience by getting a personalised graphic. You will get  up to 3 samples to choose from and 1 modification on the chosen sample if needed. Images will be sent in .png and .jpg formats at 2000 x 2000 res.

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How to use your Power Word

Click here to UPGRADE your Experience by getting a personalised graphic.

  • You will get  up to 3 samples to choose from and 1 modification on the chosen sample if needed. Images will be sent in .png and .jpg formats at 2000 x 2000 res.
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Are you using the right backdrop for your videos? Sun, 12 Nov 2017 19:46:57 +0000 So many people are doing videos in front of the wrong backdrop.   This is terrible!   Honestly, I have lost count of how many videos I see using the wrong; a.k.a. harmful backdrop.   This is completely ruining their CREDIBILITY , AUTHORITY and, SALES.   Here´s why: First of all, a backdrop is the area your […]

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So many people are doing videos in front of the wrong backdrop.


This is terrible!


Honestly, I have lost count of how many videos I see using the wrong; a.k.a. harmful backdrop.


This is completely ruining their CREDIBILITY , AUTHORITY and, SALES.


Here´s why:

First of all, a backdrop is the area your viewers can see behind you when you are on screen. And, no, it is NOT one of those fabric screens people are using! That is one format only, but a backdrop can take many shapes and it should be completely personalised to your needs, your type of video and your surroundings. A non-invasive solution that will enhance your surroundings and double up as a video backdrop when required. If you would like to know what the problem is with those fabric screens you see around, watch this short video.


Now, you always have a backdrop whether you are aware of it or not…it is simply a physical fact.

Now, given that you always have a backdrop, why not make it do something for your videos?

I will explain how you can create a backdrop that actually helps you communicate better in this article, so read on.

A Video backdrop is a hugely powerful tool when used correctly, on the other hand, it can be hugely harming your brand and your message if you are not using it right.


The problem with not using an optimised backdrop (explained below) is that it will do more harm to your message and branding than anything else. *Optimised is the term I use to explain a Backdrop that Sells (my unique system that combines all the different elements a backdrop should have in order for it to become a powerful tool).

Your message , You and your Backdrop need to be perfectly cohesive to :


  • Amplify your message.
  • Build Trust and Credibility with your viewers.
  • Sell your products or services.


An optimised backdrop should be able to do the following: (Watch this short video, if you prefer.)


  • Be on brand , every time you are online, your viewers should know it is you and your business, a backdrop needs to be branded cohesively throughout all your online activities. And that doesn´t necessarily mean you just need one backdrop, there are ways you can brand different backdrops for different activities.


  • Show your field of expertise.


  • Make you look trustworthy in front of viewers. Only when what you say and what you show matches perfectly, will your audience trust you. And TRUST is key in being able to make SALES.


  • Communicate and amplify your message. The wrong backdrop will break the communication process, leaving your audience confused.


  • Tell your story, so you can build an emotional Connection with your viewers, which is vital in order to turn them into clients. Have you ever heard of the LIKE-KNOW-TRUST factor? An audience needs to like you first, get to know you and connect to you and trust you before they are even ready to spend money on you.I call this sequence ATTRACT – CONNECT – SELL; and each phase needs to be fully supported by the right backdrop.


  • Make people STOP and WATCH your videos = Make your Videos STAND OUT (in a saturated feed); visual communication enters the brain before any other stimulus, it is the best and most effective way of making people stop scrolling and PAY ATTENTION to your videos.


  • Reach your Ideal clients: a backdrop can make audience building hugely effective by attracting the right clients and repelling the wrong ones for your brand.


  • SELL: my signature system “BACKDROPS THAT SELL” is the result of years of experience and research in commercial design, I now apply the same psychology and design principles to backdrops to ensure they will be a powerful tool in getting SALES effortlessly on video. When your backdrop shows all the right elements, in the right place, at the right time, it can become a “retail experience” for your viewers. If you want to learn exactly how to make your backdrop sell for you, join my new programme: VIDEOS that SELL.



Below is a graphic showing you what happens when you sue the wrong backdrop in your videos:





Your viewers will be confused, because you are not showing them the right VISUALS (backdrop). And confused people don´t buy!


Below is what happens, on the contrary when you are using an optimised backdrop (using the Backdrops that Sell System). Your viewers can immediately see a connection between what you say you can do for them and what you are showing them on video. They will become fans and clients!!


When your message and your backdrop are cohesive and fit perfectly, you deliver your message effectively, amplifying its reach and making it loud and clear. Your audience will understand it perfectly, they will trust you and you will have a raving tribe of fans and clients!



When your message and your backdrop are cohesive and fit perfectly, you deliver your message effectively, amplifying its reach and making it loud and clear. Your audience will understand it perfectly, they will trust you and you will have a raving tribe of fans and clients!


If you are serious about growing your business through Video, my new programme will make the process seamless and easy. Every single element you need to make your videos SELL for you. Learn more and apply here.




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Are you struggling to do videos? Wed, 08 Nov 2017 12:09:17 +0000   Are you struggling to do videos?   Many people are struggling, especially shy people, I have a few tips that have definitely helped me, you are not alone. I am shy and a regular live streamer, how did I get here? The other day, during a live stream (video below), I spoke about my struggles […]

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Are you struggling to do videos?


Many people are struggling, especially shy people, I have a few tips that have definitely helped me, you are not alone. I am shy and a regular live streamer, how did I get here?

The other day, during a live stream (video below), I spoke about my struggles when going live and with video, in general. Some of the comments I got were very encouraging, viewers who had been following several of my live streams could not believe I had had such a hard time. That is only because I have recently become more confident during live streaming. As you can see in the video,it is still far from perfect, but I do try to keep up with comments and maintain eye contact (most of the time) and although I stumbled upon my words a few times, I actually enjoyed it.



If you are shy, you know the worst form of video is Live! I know, they are all scary but live…can be paralysing!

I remember when I kept telling myself, the more you do anything, the less scary it gets and the better you get at it- well, surely it has to be the same with live streaming.

I knew if I wanted to take my business online, there was no way I could avoid embracing video.

Not only that, one of my businesses is directly linked to video, hello? I create Video Backdrops for people who want to get their message out there amplified, optimised…feeling confident! I mean, my handle is @thebackdropstylist , that gives you an idea of how much I needed to do videos…

So here was I, helping other people do amazing videos, creating beautiful branded and supportive backdrops and I was too afraid of doing a video! Can you see the paradox?

Therefore, I was committed to overcome my fears. Which, I tell you have been (and still are) huge, ever since I remember. Just so you get an idea, if I ever saw a camera, I´d run away, that was always my reaction while growing up, and I tell you with a mum that enjoyed photography and video…that was hard! Just imagine how scared I was that I don´t even have a video of my wedding…and I only agreed to having a photographer because it wouldn´t have been fair on my husband or guests…but I had a really hard time with that too (my photo album is hidden away somewhere…).

So, I am not going to tell you it is easy. I am not going to tell you to do ten videos and then you will be a pro, no, it is a process, it takes a big effort and commitment, but: you can totally do it. Believe me.


It takes time, it takes commitment, it takes some tips and tools that will make it a bit easier and then, one day, you will realise that although you did get nervous, it was actually exciting. And you know then, that if only one day that excitement feels stronger than the panic, you will actually start enjoying it. Just think that if you are able to feel that, even if it is just once, there are chances you will be able to feel it more often, does it make sense?


Anyone else ever felt those “good nerves” that rush through your body and make something scary but fun at the same time?


Feeling that means you are on the right path, you are growing, thinking outside your own little head and who knows what exciting new chances await you on the other side?


Now, be prepared for ups and downs, more ups, obviously, don´t give up just yet… There will be set backs, some days will suck, other days you will feel like you pushed through and did a decent job, and some days you will even feel like you´ve got this and it is no longer a big deal. The latter start becoming a standard bit by bit, or should I say video by video.

I really want to point this out because it is NOT a progressive journey, at last in my case. It is a somewhat unfair road, that is, you feel start feeling more comfortable and confident and then, suddenly, you will have a “bad video day” , and you will feel as of you have taken a few steps back. Do not be discouraged by this, the following videos will be much better. You might have one or two “bad video days” but they will not mean you are not making progress, they are simply part of the journey. Embrace them, delete those videos if you feel they are really awful (I have never done so  because I think all my videos, no matter how bad some of them might be, may inspire someone), but you do have the option to delete too if that will make you feel better. Every single video you create is a lesson and takes you a step closer to feeling totally comfortable on screen. I know that day will come for me too…I just hope it is soon! Ha ha ha!


You can have bad video days just like you have bad hair days…


My humble advice is, keep going, practice is necessary and you will never do it as bad as you think, honestly. Those silences that seem like minutes to you, well, they are actually imperceptible to your viewers, that stumbling upon words…you will get over it and you can even joke about it to lessen the pressure. (I do that all the time).


People can relate to nerves, they can relate to struggles, they won´t think you are less of an expert because of your shyness, believe me, if anything, you will be able to inspire more people to give it a try.



Now, this is only a short list of things that I have found have helped me and are still helping me along the way.


1- Community: find yourself a supportive group of people that are going through the same struggle or that are ahead of you, so they can lead and help out. Be it for the support and be it for the responsibility not to let the others in the community down, you pull through and do it as best you can. It took me 5 months to do my very first #shareathon on Periscope , my only regret now is not jumping in before. I think it is the best way to overcome any fear, you just have to do it and that´s it. Sometimes “just do it” is the best therapy!

2- Start a support pod or even a practice group where you can get constructive feedback and you can support and find support at the same time. Start small, in an uplifting and constructive environment. A closed Facebook group is a good platform as you can actually test your live streaming.

3- Find your turning point. When I realised it is not about me, but about my message and what I can do for others, a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders.

4- Don´t be afraid to share your struggles. I used to think everything had to be perfect and I could not share my panic, when you share, you never know who you might be inspiring and encouraging to try it.

5- Be engaged, this is sometimes the hardest thing to remember at the beginning of your live videos. You are trying not to forget what you want to say and you completely forget to check the messages, to welcome people…it takes practice. Setting yourself triggers and reminders helps. I sometimes still think: Oh, if nobody joins my live stream, it will be more relaxing and I won´t have to answer, lol! I know, what is the point of going live but to reach people…? #shymindsthinkdifferently

6- Use a Live video Checklist , I personally highly recommend this one, it has helped me stay on track, stay focused and give a structure to my videos. You can get it here. I do get a small commission on this, but I only recommend it because it is what I always use. It is absolutely the best way of having a structure in your videos that will make you more confident and it will make them covert better. You will know exactly what to do , what to say and when.

6- Related to the point above: look straight into the screen, to the camera. Avoiding eye contact at all costs, I know, I have been there…doesn´t look good. It also takes practice, but once you do it, it´s there to stay. A trick for this is not to sit , or stand too far away from the camera. Sit or stand at a comfortable distance, where you have enough backdrop showing (it is there for a communication, branding and marketing purpose, more on that on another post) but a distance that allows you to read any incoming comments and that lets your viewers see your eyes. Eye contact (although not real on video) creates empathy, relatability and connection. And that is what you are looking for when you do a video. You are trying to connect to your audience, so make that connection.

7- Use an optimised Backdrop: a backdrop is a communication, branding and marketing tool, every video needs one (different types apply to each type of video) but for shy people, it is even more important as it has psychological effects on us.

It acts not only as a physical support, which it does, but as a psychological support too.



It is especially important for shy people to have a backup plan that they can rely on if words don´t come to us, if our mind goes blank…or if you get stuck on words…you need a very powerful backdrop to compensate for that. Note that you are actually not compensating for that but for your belief that that is happening, hope this makes sense.

Your backdrop should tell your story and show your expertise.

It has the power of maximising your message, make you look professional, confident and trustworthy. Talk about a Super power!

Get your own bespoke optimised backdrop here.

An optimised backdrop is one that:

  • Makes you recognizable and stand out in a crowded feed.
  • Shows your expertise.
  • Brands all your videos and online presence.
  • Tells your story.
  • Shows your field of business.
  • Reflects your style, both personal and business.
  • Includes psychological marketing triggers.
  • Makes you more confident.
  • Serves as a social media marketing tool.
  • Attracts your ideal client.
  • Lets you connect with your audience through the right signals.


It can even save you from awkward moments if it is optimised (all backdrops should be, by the way). It needs to have appropriate triggers, reminders and backup props (if you would like to learn what these are, simply comment below and I will create more posts on this topic).


I hope these tips serve you well, please let me know if they do. I would love to hear your struggles on video, so I can address them in future posts.

If you are still not sure that Live streaming is for you, this Masterclass by livestream queen Katya Varbanova might make things clear for you. Watch it here.



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Do you suffer the “GoLiveitis” symptoms? Thu, 19 Oct 2017 16:40:52 +0000       So, you are ready to go live on your Facebook page. You are still feeling a bit nervous and insecure, although you really need this to work for your business. Others seem to be doing it fine, so why can´t you? You sit there, open the app, press that button and suddenly […]

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So, you are ready to go live on your Facebook page.

You are still feeling a bit nervous and insecure, although you really need this to work for your business.

Others seem to be doing it fine, so why can´t you?

You sit there, open the app, press that button and suddenly you feel the weight of the heaviest rock you can imagine.

Will anybody turn up?

Will they ask questions?

Will I know how to answer them professionally?

Oh, dear, my whole reputation is at stake, if I mess this video up, I am done, it will mean the end of my dream of becoming my own successful, self sufficient business owner I have envisioned.

Oh, gosh, no, I can´t possibly go live!

I am not ready!

I will cancel, anyway, nobody expects me to go live, I have no audience!

Oh no, but the longer it takes me to do videos, the longer I will have to wait to get my message out there.

And the longer it will be to get clients!

Oh but, if I don´t get clients, I will have to abandon my dream of being an entrepreneur! And I will have to go back to my boring job!

Oh, I couldn´t take that again. Especially when I left and I told everyone I was going to make it big.

What if some of my ex colleagues are watching?

Oh, no, I couldn´t handle that. Not today. it´s not a good time, My hair a mess…oh, but …

What if I do go live and show them that I am bloody good at my craft

Oh but, if I make it big, I will get haters, and I don´t want that. I want them to love me.

But…if I don´t ever go live, they won´t be able to get to know me, so they won´t be able to love anyway.

Oh, dear, what shall I do?

Someone…please, help!

Can you relate to this?

I bet you can.

No matter how many times you have tried to put yourself out there, a little bit (or a lot) of fear comes crawling right back at you!

It´s so sleazy, sometimes you won´t even feel it coming, but boom! Press that go live button and you get all the symptoms…again and again.

So I have decided to help you overcome those fears, insecurities and self-doubts. Because I was you, I still am!




The other day, during a #shareathon I spoke about my struggles when going live and with video, in general. But obviously, worst form of video for a shy person is Live! (You can watch that video below)


I remember when I kept telling myself, the more you do anything, the less scary it gets and the better you get at it, well surely it has to be the same with live streaming.


I knew if I wanted to take my business online, there was no way I could avoid embracing video.


You see…my business is related to Video, hello? Video Backdrops!


So here was I, helping other people do amazing videos, creating beautiful branded and supportive backdrops and I was too afraid of doing a video! Can you see the paradox?


Therefore, I was committed to overcome my fears. Which, I tell you have been (and still are) huge, ever since I remember. Just so you get an idea, I saw a camera and I ran away, that was always my reaction while growing up, and I tell you with a mum that enjoyed photography and video…that was hard, lol! Just imagine how scared I was that I don´t even have a video of my wedding…and I only agreed to having a photographer because it wouldn´t have been fair on my husband or guests…but I had a really hard time with that too (my photo album must be hidden away somewhere…).


So, I am not going to tell you it is easy. I am not going to tell you to do 10 videos and then you will be a pro, no, it is a process, it takes an effort and commitment, but you can totally do it. Believe me.


It takes time, it takes commitment, it takes some tips and tools that will make it a bit easier and then, one day, you will realise that although you did get nervous, it was actually exciting.


And you know then, that if only one day that excitement feels stronger than the panic, you will actually start enjoying it. Just think that if you are able to feel that, even if it is just once, there are chances you will be able to feel it more often, does it make sense?


There will be set backs, some days will suck, other days you will feel like you pushed through and did a decent job, other days you will even feel like you´ve got this.


My humble advice is, keep going, practice is necessary and you will never actually be doing it as bad as you think, honestly. Those silences that seem like minutes are imperceptible, that stumbling upon words…you will get over it and you can even joke about it to lessen the pressure. Note: I still haven´t been able to master that, but I will one day!


People can relate to nerves, they can relate to struggles, they won´t think you are less professional because of your shyness, believe me, if anything, you will be able to inspire more people to give it a try.


You will be able to inspire more people to try live streaming despite their shyness.
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Now, this is only a short list of things that I have found have helped me and are still helping me along the way:


  • Community: find yourself a supportive group of people that are going through the same struggle or that are ahead of you, so they can lead and help out. I have found the #peri10k Mastermind to be such community. Both for the support and  for the responsibility not to let the others in the community down, you pull through and do it as best you can. It took me 5 months to do my very first #shareathon , my only regret now is not jumping in before. I think it is the best way to overcome any fear, you just have to do it and that´s it. Sometimes “just do it” is the best therapy!


  • Start a support pod or even a practice group where you can get constructive feedback and you can support and find support at the same time. Start small, in a supportive and constructive environment. A closed facebook group is a good platform as you can actually test your live streaming. You are very welcome to join my Facebook group and find the support you need.



  • Find your turning point. When I realised it is not about me, but about my message and what I can do for others, a heavy weight got off my shoulders. I realised my message is much more important than me feeling awkward on camera.

I realised my message is much more important than me feeling awkward on camera.
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  • Don´t be afraid to share your struggles. I used to think everything had to be perfect and I could not share my panic, when you share, you never know who you might be inspiring and encouraging.


  • Be engaged, this is sometimes the hardest, especially at the beginning. You are trying not to forget what you want to say and you completely forget to check the messages, to welcome people…it takes practice. I have done complete scopes without replying t any comments…trying not to do it any more. Setting yourself triggers and reminders helps. Here is when having a supportive office or space (wherever you do videos) is so crucial and helpful.


  • Related to the point above: look straight into the screen, to the camera. Avoiding eye contact at all costs, I know, I have been there…doesn´t look good. It also takes practice, but once you do it, it´s there to stay. A trick for this is not to sit , or stand too far away from the camera. Sit or stand at a comfortable distance, where you have enough backdrop showing (it is there for a communication, branding and marketing purpose, more on that on another post) but a distance that allows you to read any incoming comments and that lets your viewers see your eyes. Eye contact (although not real) creates empathy, relatability and connection. And that is what you are looking for when you do a video.



  • Use a Backdrop: a backdrop is a communication, branding and marketing tool, every video needs one (different types apply to each type of video) but for shy people, it is even more important as it has psychological effects on us.

It acts not only as a physical support, which it does, but as a psychological support too.



 It is especially important for shy people to have a backup plan that they can rely on if words don´t come to us, if our mind goes blank…or if you get stuck on words…you need a very powerful backdrop to compensate for that. Note that you are actually not compensating for that but for your belief that that is happening, hope this makes sense.

Your backdrop should tell your story and show your expertise. It has the power of maximising your message, make you look professional, confident and trustworthy. Talk about a Super power! It can even save you from awkward moments if it is optimised (all backdrops should be, take the test), well styles and you set up triggers, reminders and conversation starters.

I hope these tips serve you well, please let me know if they do. Comment below or PM on Facebook. I love hearing from you.




If you feel you need help with your Backdrop, you might want to start with this. It is a first step towards a fully optimised backdrop, great if you are just starting out or if your budget is a bit tight.

If, however, you are ready for the full In-a-box backdrop design, go here.




The post Do you suffer the “GoLiveitis” symptoms? first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>