business | The Perfect Backdrop Fri, 31 Aug 2018 15:37:01 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 business | The Perfect Backdrop 32 32 HOW TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS TO 6 FIGURES USING VIDEO Thu, 30 Aug 2018 10:58:49 +0000   I am about to share with you the ONLY 5 STEPS you need to effectively grow your business to 6 figures by using VIDEO.  If you want to go on running around in circles, please DO NOT read this.  DO NOT read this if you are ok following the masses and not standing out. […]

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I am about to share with you the ONLY 5 STEPS you need to effectively grow your business to 6 figures by using VIDEO.

 If you want to go on running around in circles, please DO NOT read this.
 DO NOT read this if you are ok following the masses and not standing out.

 Read this only if you are ready to see results by implementing what you are about to learn.
 Read this only if you are ready to STAND OUT and not ever think about the competition again.



Because here is the thing, when you do things above average, there is NO competition.




Get clear on wanting to use video and grow a strong Mindset that will support your Video Strategy in the long run.

This may sound weird but it is the #1 reason why so many video strategies fail. If you don´t take the time to set strong foundations, the whole plan will collapse. If you don´t take the time to create a habit of doing video, sooner or later, you will feel the overwhelm of creating content or being visible, the fear of judgement and you will need time away from livestreaming.


You can teach your brain to be ok with video. I am speaking from experience! Nobody was more petrified that I was a few months ago, ok? But if you follow these steps, you WILL be able to rock your videos, grow your business and have a hell of a time while doing it.

85% of the US internet audience watches videos online



Let´s get one thing clear, it is not enough to KNOW that you need to do video for your business to grow, you also need to develop a strong mindset that will allow you to be ok with:

-becoming visible
-being judged
-being consistent (if not, any strategy will fail)
-having to do videos, even when you are tired or don´t feel like doing them
-staying strong and balanced when the overwhelm of being visible and vulnerable hits home, and believe me, this will happen even to the most outgoing personalities



But I see too many people trying to step out of their comfort zone the wrong way.

If you take the approach of the “shock therapy”, the all or nothing, you are setting up to fail.

Building a Video Mindset (or visibility mindset) is exactly the same as building a muscle and creating a habit.



Here is how to do it:

Make your brain get used to getting out of its comfort zone every single day, by taking smaller actions. Build up the courage step by step, so that your brain gets used to the new connections it is starting to build.

By consistent repetition and progressive build up, you will be creating a long-term habit.

It is then fundamental that you reward yourself for every goal accomplished. This is how to do it:

So, your big GOAL is to build strong foundations for your Video strategy to work.
Break up that goal into smaller ones, why?
Because they will seem less scary and more achievable, this increases DOPAMINE, a neurotransmitter that helps with goal achievement and motivation.



 By feeding the brain higher levels of dopamine, it will remain motivated. YES!



Plan for a daily smaller goal to be achieved and reward yourself upon completion. Rewards can be anything that make you happy: a walk with the dog, watching your favourite series, having a glass of wine, checking out updates from your favourite influencers on Instagram… It is very important that the reward is immediate, not delayed, for maximum effect.


I teach my students how to naturally enhance Dopamine and other neurotransmitters in my programme VIDEOS that SELL, once you know how to use these neuro chemicals effectively, your videos will never be the same…

Apply this system and you will be creating a strong muscle that will set you up for success.
Fail to do this and your video strategy will suffer at some point, believe me, I have seen it too many times…





Ditch the expensive list of equipment…
Please, don´t follow what every other unsuccessful, boring, standard person is doing on video.

You don´t need that big, expensive, stupid equipment in the middle of your living room, only to show people that you are a livestreamer!

I can guarantee, if what you are going to be creating close up (or waist up) videos: livestreams, pre-recorded videos, courses, interviews and calls (yes, those are also videos), all you need is 1 PIECE OF EQUIPMENT under $30 (two at the most, depending on your case). If you want to know what it is, comment #one below and I will send you the info.

Even if you are doing full body videos, you can create professional looking videos by using 1 or 2 affordable pieces of equipment. Comment #two if you want to know what you need.


Light  and sound  are two very important elements in your videos, but there is still another one as powerful as these two that very few people are aware of… I will explain that further down.



You might even be able to use some natural light source, a.k.a. windows right at the beginning and invest in equipment a bit later, this is how to do it:

– Always face the light, I have lost count of how many people I see doing their videos with a window behind them, your light should always be in front of you, not behind.
– If you are not yet using any lighting equipment in your videos, and rely solely on natural daylight, find the most flattering light for your videos.

 To do this: Test the light at different times during the day and write down your preferences, that way you will have a good idea of when is the best time to go live. Stick to that time during a specific season, you will then have to test again when weather conditions change.

On the other hand, if you want to be sure of always having the right light for every video, no matter what the weather is like outside, comment #one below and I will share with you my go to light fixture under $30.


Light should be constant, uniform and interesting.


Yes, light is also a great way of making your videos recognizable and therefore, stand out from a saturated feed.

Not all light is the same, as you know, and you might have to test a few things before (or avoid all the time consuming testing by working with me).




The main reason why people stop watching a video is poor sound, so if you are not able to shoot your videos in a quiet, sound-proof space, you can use a microphone. Comment #three if you want to know a cost-effective option that will save the day.

In general, if you are livestreaming from a regular-sized room, have no sound distractions around, your windows and door are closed and you are close to the microphone on your device, you should be fine. If you are going to be a bit further away from the mic, or if you are moving in your videos , or you are going to shoot outdoors, you definitely need a microphone.

 Podcasts always require microphones, your audience will expect a certain quality.

If you want to improve your speech and delivery, you should follow Ariane de Melo. Her techniques will highly benefit your videos, she can teach you how to project your voice, breathing techniques and many other things that you need to be aware of when you speak in public.

And if you want to tackle your public speaking fears that have a deeper root (maybe a childhood event), you should follow Jim J Doyle, who will identify them and make them vanish using some of his amazing healing modalities.


There is still another piece in the puzzle, apart from light and sound: one that most people are not aware of… but you will have to read on to find out what it is.






No, I would never recommend the use of any substance in order to livestream, absolutely not, but I will recommend a few neurochemicals, which your body can produce naturally and that will change the way you show up on screen.

I see this piece of advice everywhere: Be yourself on video and people will love you.
It is simply ridiculous!

What does being yourself mean, anyway?

Being your old grumpy you? 
Being the nagging you? 
Maybe, being the tired you?

People deserve to see only the better version of you.
The happy, fun, entertaining, knowledgeable and vibrant you, that is…if you want to be magnetic in front of an audience.

Nobody is going to follow a boring, nagging, grumpy or tired you, ok?

It is the same as dressing up nicely before your guests arrive for a dinner party, it is a sign of respect towards them in the first place, you want to look your best and, secondly, you need to show a charismatic, magnetic persona on video or else, not even your mum is going to want to watch you.


So, how can you make sure you show up being the best, prepared, energetic version of you?

By hacking a few neurochemicals that you can produce naturally! 

For instance, if you feel anxious or nervous before going live, increasing your ENDORPHIN levels will help you become more relaxed. You can increase levels by watching something funny right before you go live (laughter releases endorphins); have a small piece of dark chocolate, or smell certain scents.

There are more effective ways I teach all my clients, these tools can help you not only with video, but before a sales call, a speaking gig, a dentist appointment…!






Content is king, I bet you have heard that a few times too.
Well, on video, many elements are king (and queen) but, obviously having something to say is rather important,   don´t ya think?

Creating content might seem like a humongous challenge but if you truly are an expert, you will never be short of ideas, what you might be short of is of creative ways of presenting them.
Not every video needs to be a Masterclass, you can show your knowledge in many ways.

Bear in mind that, when doing a video, you are trying to ATTRACT your ideal client – CONNECT to them emotionally so that they TRUST you and eventually BUY from you.


In order to do this, a variety of videos is required:

-Create inspiring and entertaining videos that WOW your viewers.
-Ask them what they want you to speak about or what questions they need answered (this alone is an infinite source of content ideas).
-Create videos where your personality can shine through.


 And always remember to:

Create an experience for them, every single time, no matter what type of video you are doing.






And here comes the final, but hugely important last piece of the puzzle:

Viewers scrolling down a saturated feed will decide to watch you or keep scrolling in less that 2 SECONDS!

How can you get them to “Stop & Watch”?
How can you get their attention instantly?



  •  90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.
  •  Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.



You guessed, by showing the RIGHT VISUALS in your videos, you can literally make people “Stop & Watch”.


But, what visuals should you use on video?

Well, let´s start from the beginning, whatever your viewers see behind you on video is called a BACKDROP and it is massively powerful tool (when used properly) and a very harmful tool if you are not aware of it.


Your backdrop can ATTRACT your ideal client immediately, it´s up too you later to follow with remarkable content and delivery.

Your backdrop can show your POSITIONING in seconds; trying to attract high-end clients? You will only be able to by showing a high-end backdrop yourself.

Your backdrop has the power of telling your story visually, without words.

Your backdrop can build an emotionally connection with your viewers. And it will build trust, which is vital if you want to sell on video.

Your backdrop will tell your viewers what you are about, what your business is about, without you having to speak.

A BACKDROP that SELLS (my signature system) can increase sales from 30-71%.

Not only that, it is the easiest, no software required way of branding every single video and no, not with a logo, that, I am sorry to break it to you, has no memory retention effect in your viewers.

And, although you can refer to some of my earlier posts, make sure you don´t make the mistake of becoming a “generic = forgettable brand” that uses a generic fabric screen in their videos, no, that is NOT a powerful backdrop. But more on that another day.

A backdrop will “create the scene” for your videos, thus helping you deliver an experience to your audience.


And you need to CREATE AN EXPERIENCE every time you connect to your viewers or clients, so you become MEMORABLE in their minds.


 So, when planning your next video, make sure your viewers can identify those bullets points above in your backdrop.

Believe me, if you follow these 5 steps, your videos will improve tenfold.

There is absolutely no excuse for you not to make better videos by implementing these 5 steps.

If you go even deeper by working with me, the changes will be outstanding.



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What is holding you back from breaking that income level? Wed, 14 Mar 2018 19:46:09 +0000   What is holding you back from breaking that income level?   Why can´t you seem to be able to grow past a certain figure?   Have you been stuck in the 5-figure level for too long and no matter what you do, you still can´t open the next door?   Have you lost motivation? […]

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What is holding you back from breaking that income level?


Why can´t you seem to be able to grow past a certain figure?


Have you been stuck in the 5-figure level for too long and no matter what you do, you still can´t open the next door?


Have you lost motivation?


Do you need to feel the excitement of a challenge you know you can conquer?


An Optimised Workspace ensures you can be in the RIGHT MOOD at the RIGHT TIME so that every minute spent on your business is productive and enjoyable and therefore you can work smarter and have more time for the things that matter to you.


So, let me ask you this:



The reason why you do what you do is very likely to have more freedom (in every sense); to be able to spend time with your loved ones and to enjoy life more.


When you are working from the wrong workspace, your productivity is negatively impacted, your focus is lost often, you feel stuck and you unable to find answers and solutions to your problems and your motivation is low most of the time.

 What is holding you back?


You know how to run a business, you have taken yours to the 5-6 figure level, you have systems in place but somehow, you cannot break that glass ceiling, you keep bumping into the same income level…you are starting to feel unmotivated because there are no more challenges for you to grow…


Your surroundings have a direct impact on your performance. You cannot possibly evolve if your surroundings are not upgraded to match your next level.



You cannot possibly evolve if your surroundings are not upgraded to match your next level.



Your success depends hugely on how you feel and perform in your workspace.


Your focus, motivation and productivity require a very specific set of triggers in your workspace.

What´s more, your needs have outgrown, you cannot stay stuck in the same old environment and expect new performance in your work.


Your next level in business is only an Optimised Workspace away.


Let me create an Optimised Workspace for YOU, taking your needs, goals, vision and starting point into account.

I created my Optimising system for high achievers like you. Who, after some great success you seem unable to get to the next level.


By using my unique system that combines design, psychology, motivation, emotional intelligence and commercial psychology, your workspace will become the engine your business needs to be propelled to a higher level.


To infinity and beyond!


Book your Initial Consultation today.


No more feeling stuck, you are ready for bigger goals, higher earning months and a much more fulfilling life and business.

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Why you are not attracting high-end clients Tue, 20 Feb 2018 02:34:04 +0000 Are trying to reach high-end clients but feel like there is something not attracting them?   Are you ready for the next level in your business?   Do you feel called to make a bigger impact?   Do you feel it is time for you to go big?   Aim higher?   What your viewers […]

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Are trying to reach high-end clients but feel like there is something not attracting them?


Are you ready for the next level in your business?


Do you feel called to make a bigger impact?


Do you feel it is time for you to go big?


Aim higher?


What your viewers see in your videos is what they think you can do for them.

What results are you showing your viewers you can get them?

What success are you showing in your videos?

What high-end surroundings can they see?


You see, here is the hard truth…
If they cannot see it, they cannot believe it.


Stop preaching in the desert.


If you want to attract high-end clients, you need to prove to them you are high-end too.



Let me tell you one thing:
Selling high-end services or products requires a different strategy, careful staging and exquisite delivery…
Your videos need to show that you are one of them, that you understand their struggles and you can take them to the results they long to achieve.
I know this well because I have been fortunate to grow up in that environment (not bragging, just making a statement), not that I haven´t had my fair share of struggles, because I can assure you I have had maybe more than many people…but that is a different story. What I am trying to tell you is I know how they think, what they think, how they breathe and what they want. And I know too, you cannot enter that realm if they suspect you are an outsider.


They need to “see” that you are up to their standards of quality and style.


They need to believe that you “get them”.


Whatever idea of quality they get form your videos is the idea of quality they will assume your services to have. It is mere association of ideas.


Give them quality, style and impeccable design and you will be trusted. You will become an insider.

Fair or unfair, it is what it is.
And let´s face it, if your message is about how you can take them from A to B, from Mess to Success…you need to show them that you have been able to go from mess to success yourself, don´t you think? If you are still showing A in your videos, they won´t believe you can take them to B.


But, how can you do this?
Well, the first contact they have with your brand is Visual. Visual contact is powerful when done right but ever so harmful to your brand when done wrong.


Video the fastest and the best way to skyrocket your business.
You need to show the right, high-end visuals that they are expecting to see.
You can do that easily by showing that your surroundings are also at that high-end level.


They will only trust you if you can demonstrate that your level of success will take them to the next level or will solve their problems.


Your space says more about your business than you think. It actually says it (almost) all on video, at least.


Let them see you are as successful as you say you are: Show them!


Your video backdrop needs to live and breathe your message and show the results you can get your clients.


And no, this is not about faking it till you make it, rather the opposite, upgrade your surroundings so that they match your level of success.


You have reached a certain status in your business, now it is time to upgrade your surroundings so that they are a perfect fit.


Do not cheapen your brand by having the wrong video backdrop and surroundings.


Let´s chat, we will speak about your needs, your vision and about the best solution to get you those high-end clients you so deserve. Fill in the form below or book your call here.

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]

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Richard Branson on Entrepreneurship Mon, 03 Apr 2017 18:23:51 +0000 This is what Sir Richard Branson wants you to know about Entrepreurship.    

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This is what Sir Richard Branson wants you to know about Entrepreurship.



The post Richard Branson on Entrepreneurship first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]> 1 6964
Eight seconds to captivate Fri, 31 Mar 2017 12:27:14 +0000     You have 8 seconds to get someone´s attention before they decide to listen to you or not. A gold fish has a 9 second attention span, yes, more than humans! So, How are you going to use those 8 seconds? Research carried out over the last few years state that human attention span […]

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You have 8 seconds to get someone´s attention before they decide to listen to you or not.

A gold fish has a 9 second attention span, yes, more than humans!

So, How are you going to use those 8 seconds?

Research carried out over the last few years state that human attention span has decreased from 12 seconds before the year 2000 to just 8 due to the overload of information our brain is constantly bombarded with.

I have to disagree with this, at least on Social Media, our attention span is reduced to merely 4-5 seconds. You can test this yourself. Scroll down any facebook wall:

How long do you spend on each post?

What makes you stop and pay more attention?

Live streams are beginning to be boring, there is no novelty anymore, since everyone is doing them-look, even I am!

And remember also people usually have their audio off, o they cannot listen to your great message at the beginning, they are just seeing you.

I know very well what makes me want to stop and watch or read something.

There are two situations:

1- You know the person already and you know what type of content they put out. If you already, and notice I am saying already, know them and have the certainty they give value or they make you giggle, you might be willing to pay more attention.


2- If you don´t know the person, you have no idea whether they give value or not, whether they are amusing or not, whether that live streaming will be useful or just a waste of time…

In my case it is clear, if I don´t see anything in their backdrop* that makes me think they have something interesting to offer, I will scroll down. I won´t even give them 8 seconds. And it is not just me, we all do it.

Remember we are VISUAL beings, so you need to give your viewers a VISUAL STIMULUS or they will leave you…

So what can you do if you only have 8 seconds to captivate your audience? Take into account their audio might be turned down also…

Options: paint your hair green…

It´s an option, but that is not even original any more…

How can you make sure they´ll want to stay on longer, turn their audio up and actually watch you?

Here is where having a well designed backdrop comes in.

What is a backdrop*?

It s the area behind and around you that people see when you are on screen.

Your backdrop has the ability of enhancing or breaking your message.

It cannot do everything for you , you will still need to have a good message, your expertise but it can help A LOT!

So this is what you can do today.

Decide on a spot you will use for you next live stream. Add one element that represents your business and place it somewhere where your audience can see it.

Tell me how it goes.


Watch the facebook live I did on this topic:

You can join the facebook group I mention in the video here.

Would you like to learn how to do this correctly?

I have a course that is perfect for anyone doing videos, online courses and live streams.

In just 3 weeks , you will learn all the power of a backdrop,

How to use it as a marketing tool,

How to use it as a branding tool

And how to create it

With one-on-one help

In a fun way, easy, step by step instructions.

You can totally fit it into a busy schedule.

Get it right from the start. Your backdrop is the most powerful marketing, branding and communication tool you can use in your online presence. Start paying attention to it.





The post Eight seconds to captivate first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]> 4 6954
Optimising Workspace System Fri, 10 Mar 2017 16:31:47 +0000   Here’s The Situation:   You have been stuck in the 5-figure level for too long and no matter what you do, you still can´t open the next door...   What is holding you back from breaking that income level? Why can´t you seem to be able to grow past a certain figure?   Have […]

The post Optimising Workspace System first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>

Here’s The Situation:


You have been stuck in the 5-figure level for too long and no matter what you do,

you still can´t open the next door...


What is holding you back from breaking that income level?

Why can´t you seem to be able to grow past a certain figure?


Have you lost motivation?

Do you need to feel the excitement of a challenge you know you can conquer?


If you have tried everything to break past that 5 figure income level and nothing is working, I have good news for you:


Optimise your surroundings and you will be optimising your business and your life.


An Optimised Workspace ensures you can be in the RIGHT MOOD at the RIGHT TIME so that every minute spent on your business is productive and enjoyable and therefore you can work smarter and have more time for the things that matter to you.


So, let me ask you this:


What is the mood

your business

needs you

to be in right now?


The reason why you do what you do is very likely to have more freedom (in every sense); to be able to spend time with your loved ones and to enjoy life more.


When you are working from the wrong workspace, your productivity is negatively impacted, your focus is lost often, you feel stuck and you unable to find answers and solutions to your problems and your motivation is low most of the time.


What is holding you back?


You know how to run a business, you have taken yours to the 5-6 figure level, you have systems in place but somehow, you cannot break that glass ceiling, you keep bumping into the same income level…you are starting to feel unmotivated because there are no more challenges for you to grow…


Your surroundings have a direct impact on your performance. You cannot possibly evolve if your surroundings are not upgraded to match your next level.


Your success depends hugely on how you feel and perform in your workspace.


Your focus, motivation and productivity require a very specific set of triggers in your workspace.


What´s more, your needs have outgrown, you cannot stay stuck in the same old environment and expect new performance in your work.


Over the last 2 years I’ve noticed that people are not aware of how fundamental their surroundings are to build a solid business.


Working from the wrong environment is making you to underperform, it is keeping you stuck and it is not allowing you to perform at you highest potential.


I am not just saying this out of nowhere, for the las 12 years, I have been designing high performing spaces for high achievers and high-end clients.


I have researched and tested what triggers keep them motivated, focused and inspired.


I have used commercial design principles, Emotional Intelligence and seller psychology to enhance their workspace so that it becomes a container for success.


I have brought all that research and experience into the Optimising Workspace System. It is the only 360º office design solution that  takes into consideration your emotional, psychological , lifestyle, spatial and aesthetic needs.


It is a bespoke solution catered to your needs and surroundings.


Being a business owner is no easy ride, the emotional rollercoaster you are on, requires a balancing and supportive environment in which you can feel safe, recharged, resilient and motivated.


If you are tired of feeling stuck, if you are done with trying different trainings and coaches that have disappointed you, now is the time to get those foundations reinforced.


Because, here is the thing, the environment that got you to 5 figures, won´t get you to the next income level.


Your surroundings need to be inspirational as well as aspirational, otherwise, you will remain stuck.


Your surroundings are keeping you stuck.


Are you ready to break past that outdated environment?


The Optimised Workspace System is a complete One on one solution that’s designed to help business owners:

  • Who need to perform at their highest potential
  • Who have big goals and aspirations
  • Who are already making, at least 5-figures but somehow feel stuck at that level.
  • Business owners who don´t care for a DIY course because they are past the testing phase
  • Business owners who want a proven, done for you service that will finally help them break that income level

If you are ready to transform the way you feel in your business. Book your Consultation call.


If you want to be able to use your space as a powerful high performing tool.


If you are tired of invasive solutions every time you need to do videos, an Optimised Workspace can double up as a Video Studio and an unlimited source of inspiration and images for your social media posts. A space that can double up as a Video studio, with an Optimised Video Backdrop that will make your videos stand out.


A fully bespoke solution that will give you a beautiful, high performing space from which to work from and work around your needs.


The whole design process is a beautiful journey that will help you learn exactly what triggers your motivation, what keeps you on track, what enables you to work at your highest potential, the Optimising Workspace System is nothing like any other design service you have tried or heard of, this is about going deep into your the needs as a business owner, getting clear on your aspirations, identifying what keeps you going (we are all different and respond to different type of triggers) and, once we have that emotional aspect defines, we will dive deep into what style and functionality you need to make that space, not just beautiful, high-end looking, but also highly functional in an aesthetical way. A space that will fit seamlessly into your lifestyle and personal needs.



Let me unleash the full power of your space to turn it into a complete beautiful Optimised Solution for you and your business. Book your Initial Consultation.






The Perfect Office Design Package is a fast and complete option for you to create the perfect environment for your brand and business.

It is a completely bespoke service, tailor-made to accommodate all your needs and vision.



To learn how this 1:1 service works, please book your Initial Consultation.


These are just some of the BENEFITS of having The Perfect Office:


  • You will have a bespoke designed space that will make you feel productive, inspired, creative and focused in your business.
  • You will have a supportive environment that helps you reach your next level of excellence.
  • You will be able to do your live streams, videos, calls in a professional and stylish looking backdrop and setting, thus establishing trust with your clients and customers, being able to enhance your expertise and show up as the successful individual you are.
  • You will portray a highly qualified image.
  • You will have a branded space that communicates your message whenever you broadcast or appear online.
  • You will have an efficiently designed work space that will trigger your motivation and will ensure your well-being.
  • You will have resources to make sure your mood matches the task you need to do.
  • Your mood and performance will improve considerably.
  • Your focus will be much better.
  • Your daily tasks will become less overwhelming.
  • You will learn all the tips and techniques you need to create a productive environment.
  • You will learn how to change your mood by tweaking your space.
  • You will be able to use your space in multiple ways, even as a branding tool and social media marketing tool, so you will save a ton of time and money! You will be able to use your beautifully branded new office in all your social media posts!


How long do you want to wait to reach your next income level?

Let´s get on a call and I will be able to assess your situation.


The experience will change the way you work forever!


What does this package include?

  • 1:1 guidance, help and walk through.
  • Initial assessment and  research.
  • Bespoke design of your work space and  video backdrop.
  • Branding through style package included: how to use your space as a branding tool in your social media.
  • Detailed instructions for setting up and styling. Walk through session via Zoom, where I will guide you as show you exactly where to place each item. Outsourcing service available too.
  • Detailed list of materials, accessories within your budget and where to purchase them (or in-a-box-delivery).


BOOK your Initial Consultation call.





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Trust Mon, 07 Nov 2016 15:43:52 +0000       Your surroundings are a key factor in establishing trust with your clients/audience.   How can you use your surroundings to establish trust with your customers and your audience?   I reckon you will agree that trust is one of the pillars on which the customer-business relationship stands. Once you get this right, your efforts […]

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Your surroundings are
a key factor
in establishing trust with
your clients/audience.


How can you use your surroundings to establish trust with your customers and your audience?


I reckon you will agree that trust is one of the pillars on which the customer-business relationship stands. Once you get this right, your efforts to market yourself and your business become so much easier.

Your audience will become loyal , and don´t we all yearn for a loyal audience?


Everything seems to be revolving lately around alignment, every post, every coach, they all recommend us to be in alignment as the only way to have a meaningful and successful business.


Well, TRUST is exactly what alignment represents.


Social media audiences are not newbies any more, they don´t buy the fake life that some public figures were trying to sell. People are savvy, they immediately know whether you are living the life you preach about or whether it is just another sly marketing tactic. They can “smell” a put-on personality and a fake lifestyle.


As serious entrepreneurs who are in this because we have mission and because we want to make an impact as well as a living, trust becomes a must, a non-negotiable feature we need to strive for.


The most successful entrepreneurs and I am not just speaking about numbers here, but those with the most loyal followings have achieved that loyalty because they come across as trustworthy, you can clearly see that their life matches their speech, their speech is in alignment with their life and business.


However, it is not an easy trait to communicate, or is it?


You must be thinking, but surely it takes months, even years to build trust, you must prove time and time again that you are the real deal, right?
Well…although time will reinforce the trust you are able to establish with your customers and your colleagues, there is one thing you can start doing today that will help you communicate and build that trust!


I am going to give you a key piece in order to ultimately build trust with your audience. It will immediately make you appear more trustworthy, it goes without saying you should be honing your message and really living your message every day.


Your surroundings are a key factor in establishing trust with your clients.
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As we have learnt in previous weeks, (you can read previous posts in our BLOG), your space and your backdrop are a very powerful communication and marketing tool. When they are not in alignment with your message, you won´t come across as professional, trustworthy and you won´t be able to be seen as an expert.



Let me put it simply:


What you say you can do for your clients and what they see in your surroundings matches, it is cohesive, it speaks the same language, expresses the same message, in the same style and voice.


What you say and what they see, fits perfectly.


When you are in alignment with your business, you transmit trust. Every piece fits in, there is no deceitful feeling about what you say or do.


On the contrary when what you say and what your audience perceives or sees clashes, when it does not “sound and look” the same, your audience is confused. They do not trust that you can actually deliver what you say you can deliver in a way that will benefit them.


To give you an example: a website designer who states they can create a sleek, clean looking, easy to navigate, up to date website that will attract high end clients for your business but who happens to work from a messy, shabby space…well, you would have a difficult time trusting that they can really deliver what they say.


However, if their workspace is clean, tidy, sleek…then you can definitely picture them delivering the perfect website.


So what can you do to start building trust with your audience? Here is an easy test you can do:


Look at your surroundings;

-Do they show your expertise?
-Do they match your level of knowledge?


-Do they communicate your unique way of doing business?


-Do they reflect your success and your clients´s successes?


-Are they able to attract your ideal client?


If you cannot decide for yourself, you can do this simple test:
Without giving any information about what you do, post a picture of your space and ask these questions:
– What do you think the person who works in this space does?
– What would you say is their expertise?
– What would you say is their level of success?
– Would you say they are a well-established business?
– Would you trust them to do business with?




In order for this exercise to work, avoid saying this picture has any relation to your business. A good way of testing this is to post in a group where they don´t know who you are, maybe a group where you have been quiet, or you just joined.


Would you like to let your surroundings speak for you in front of your clients/audience?

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The post Trust first appeared on The Perfect Backdrop.]]>
A FLAMINGO IN THE OFFICE OR THE IMPORTANCE OF CREATING A WORK SPACE ATTUNED TO OUR EXPERTISE. Tue, 26 Apr 2016 12:41:42 +0000 Let your surroundings enhance your expertise. Our work space or office is such a powerful tool. It is so in two ways. On the one hand, it is where we need to be the most productive, creative, efficient…and HAPPY. On the other hand, it expresses a lot about us: our business style, our personality. When […]

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Let your surroundings enhance your expertise.

Let your surroundings enhance your expertise, MelanieFalvey.
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Our work space or office is such a powerful tool. It is so in two ways.

On the one hand, it is where we need to be the most productive, creative, efficient…and HAPPY.
On the other hand, it expresses a lot about us: our business style, our personality.

When we meet clients or when we hold Skype calls, webinars, we are sending out a very powerful image of how we are able to help them.
So take a minute to reflect upon this. Is that space that you are showing your clients or potential clients the best reflection of your knowledge and savoir-faire?
Is it going to make them trust that you can put their business in order when you are sitting in front of a messy shelf? Oh yes, a pile of books might reflect knowledge , however, the way those books are set says so much more about you.
Hadn´t you ever though about it? Well, it´s time you did. We are all very visual, it´s not by chance they say an image is worth a thousand words, it is the way our brains work. The first perception, lasts only seconds,but immediately makes an assumption about what our brain is perceiving. It doesn´t say, oh, let me get all the data I need about this and I will study it in depth and I will get back to you when I make up my mind about you. No! It doesn´t work that way.
In order to survive, our primitive ancestors had to make quick decisions – so they either ran for their lives as soon as they saw a lion or well, let´s put it simply, we wouldn´t be here today, would we?
So make sure those first seconds when someone gets to see you and your surroundings are capable of sending out the best impression of yourself and your business.

Imagine you are a web designer wanting to get a new client. You jump on a Skype call with your prospect. You might have even put on some make up (well, ladies, I guess, though I will not be the one to judge you if you are a man), you are nicely dressed, or maybe not . You´ve got your fancy presentation and you proudly show your client portfolio and all your great work.
But, all your potential client can see is the stain of a coffee mug on your desk, a messy shelf at the back and a pile of laundry on one corner of the room.
Now, the truth is that if you are selling them the concept of a great designed, sleek looking website… well, excuse me for being blunt but you are sending out contradicting messages.You get it, right?


So, first impressions DO matter in business. Obviously you might be , and I am sure you are the most efficient web designer out there, and yes, you think showing your messy office gives this nerdy-geeky-vibe which equals being a great web designer. Em, no! Or maybe they´ll think you are messy because you have so much work because you are so good at what you do, that you could not possibly have the time to style your office. No, again! Or you are just this free spirited entrepreneur who has this incredibly laid-back style that clients will adore…no!

That is where most people get it wrong. Your space can reflect that you are an easy going individual, no need for fancy, stiff decor. That´s not the point. The point is you must portray your best image in order for your clients to trust your professionalism. It might have nothing to do with how well you can perform your work, but unfortunately we have been wired to trust our first impressions.

If you are selling the image of a well-established multi-figure (I do hate that type of jargon) entrepreneur, how can you have such a shabby (without the chic) work space? You see, it just doesn´t match. Your space should align with your speech.

Your space should align with your speech. MelanieFalvey
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So here is where you can start:
Look around your space and be objective, does it truly reflect who you are and who you want to be perceived as?
If not, think what element (colour or object) you can introduce to make it “more you”. Start small, one element at a time-introduce some object that bears your brand colour ,or
maybe a nice pen that will make you feel good and important. It doesn´t have to be pricey, but it must feel special to you.
For instance, I recently bought a flamingo pen. I adore flamingos since I was a little girl and now, having become quite a trend I can find them more easily. I have actually even created a whole collection with the flamingo theme, it will soon be available in my shop.



So I placed my new pen in my pen holder and every time I look at it, I associate it to signing: signing contracts, cheques (in order to cash them!) or who knows, maybe a book some day?*

That simple little item is “so me”, anyone seeing it knows this, they associate it with my style. Obviously my whole office reflects who I am because this is what I do, but everybody, absolutely everybody can learn how to create spaces that enhance them, reflect who they are at their best and make them more efficient, productive, creative, happier…which therefore leads to SUCCESS!


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Ergo, what does your space look like?
What small change can you make today to improve it and make it more you?
Let me know by posting a comment below or by posting on social media using hashtag #MeMyOfficeAndI

Would you like to learn how to create a perfect work space that reflects your business style and personality?
Join our  School of Style on Facebook or sign up for our FREE RESOURCES.

Thanks for reading!
Melanie x

* After writing this post I actually wrote a book!




All rights reserved. Copyright Melanie Falvey 2016